Monday, January 31, 2005

Who Controls YOUR Happiness?

By Dr. David L. Thomas, LMHC

Where does happiness fit on a scale of 1 to 10 in your life?
Is that a silly question?

Who's in control of your happiness??

Well, if you want to maintain continued happiness in light of difficult moments then start by identifying your thinking. Often this means that some of the way you think about certain things may need to change.

Change is difficult for many people, especially when it involves changing a behavior that you have practiced over and over again (such as drinking, smoking, overeating, etc.) And with the change often comes strong emotion.

But human beings have a wonderful ability to change how they feel by changing how they think. So how do you know what feelings to change, and aren't we SUPPOSED to feel certain emotions in light of the situations we experience?

The answer is yes, and no. Yes, it is inevitable that we will experience emotions in relation to life events. And no: how we feel is determined by how we think about these events.

Feelings are like the weather, an ongoing part of life, which will change when the right conditions present themselves. They are neither good nor bad, they just are.

Rain exists because atmospheric conditions are right for this event to happen.

Feelings exist because of the thoughts you have in relation to the events in your life. Certain thoughts create uncomfortable feelings and other types of thoughts create feelings of joy, contentment, and happiness.

The question is not whether you should have feelings, but rather are the feelings I'm experiencing helping me to achieve my goal(s) or are they hindering this process?

Generally speaking, feelings of anger, anxiety, depression, and guilt tend to produce behaviors that hinder our life goals. That's why we want to change them. Not because they are intrinsically good or bad, not because we shouldn't feel them, but simply because they tend to interfere with having our wants and desires met.

Like the weather, if conditions are right, it rains. If the thoughts are right for anxiety, you will experience anxiety. If the thoughts are right for depression, then depression it is. Fortunately for all of us, altering atmospheric conditions is much more difficult than altering our thoughts.

Although changing thoughts is not easy at times, it is much more controllable when you are taught how, then practice.

Anger, anxiety, depression, and guilt are what we refer to as the 4 Blocks to Happiness. Anxiety, for instance, tends to produce behaviors such as avoidance, isolation, self-medicating (drinking, drugging, and overeating) and many negative physiological changes.

These may include lack of concentration, memory loss, muscle tension, headaches, diarrhea or other bowel disorders. Unless you find benefit in experiencing these symptoms, these are why we want to change these feelings. They are uncomfortable, and not goal oriented.

Anxiety does not help us get what we want. Finally, feelings are similar to a weather barometer. They are the gauge to whether we are on track, enjoying our lives, achieving our goals, keeping us out of conflict with others, and preserving our life and limb.

We WANT to experience emotion. Lots of intense, as well as, moderate feelings. "It is not the idea that my son is doing well and enjoying his life, but truly how I feel about him enjoying his life. It is the happiness I feel watching him grow, mature, and find meaning to his existence." The feeling is the reward for our action, it is what we as humans seek in our day-to-day experience.

Feelings are also the alarm bell, telling us to slow down, seek consult, take another look, or simply work harder. Sometimes we feel we are on a roller coaster: it can be exhilarating and it can also be frightening. You judge for yourself, but remember whatever you are feeling you can change.

Expect progress rather than perfection and the journey will be much more manageable.

How To Be Happy In Spite Of Your Problems

A year ago, I made a trip to the village of my birth, a small community in the Haitian countryside. I had been away in America for many years, working hard to make my way in the world. I returned now to my island, filled with strange stories to tell: Stories of markets piled with food flown in from around the world, stories of doctors who gave out pills to stop people from eating, and stories of cars so abundant that they clogged the roads and slowed the traffic to the pace of a bicycle.

I told my fellow villagers, “You know, American problems come from having too much, rather than too little. And because of these problems, they have what they call stress.” They couldn’t believe me! They had never heard of stress before and neither had I until I came to this country.

Shortly after returning from my trip, while eating in an expensive restaurant, I watched a woman send a Porterhouse steak back to the chef because it had been cooked medium instead of medium-rare. Later, I watched a man who was dining with her struggle to decide whether to have orange sherbet for dessert and stick to his diet or splurge on an ice cream sundae dripping with caramel and piled with pecans. Does any of this sound familiar?

You are not alone. Many times I am faced with such dilemmas. But I see it as an opportunity to be thankful. How? I imagine a mountain of breadfruit! Do you know what a breadfruit is? You don't often see them in American grocery stores. On the outside, they look a little like a pineapple. But they taste like a tough, extra-starchy potato. As a child, I ate almost nothing but breadfruit.

The folks in my village learned to cook it creatively. We boiled it, we fried it, and we beat it to a pulp and dipped it in sauce. But every day it was breadfruit. My tongue grew so accustomed to breadfruit that I ceased to taste it at all. I ate it only for survival. My stomach was perpetually bloated as it struggled to digest all the starch. I suffered from constant indigestion, and parasites regularly invaded my weakened digestive system.

Have you seen those children on CNN or the Sally Struthers commercials? How did you feel watching the naked children with swollen tummies and skeletal arms, ignoring the flies crawling on their faces? Well, that's what I looked like in my village in Haiti. Most people assumed I would die before I reached adulthood. They even told me so.
So when my steak arrives a little too well cooked, or I have to choose between ice cream and sherbet, I give thanks to God for the great fortune I've had in America. When was the last time you took a moment out of your busy schedule to give thanks for all that you have? Do you cry for what you don’t have? Or do you celebrate what you have? Gratitude is the gateway to happiness.

It is impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time. I bet you enjoy helping out a grateful child—one who is always thanking you and praising you for your generosity. Well, that’s the way your creator feels, too. Stop and count your blessings!

I wish you incredible success!

Rene Godefroy






認真的女人最美麗,沒錯!但這位外表打扮得非常美麗的女人,當天並沒有順利把房子賣出去。夕陽西下,疲累的她,感到相當絕望,悲傷得不能自抑,蹲在地上痛哭失聲。 人生中常有過渡期 老實說,從她淒厲的哭聲裡,我才看見她真正的美麗。那是放下所有職場的武裝、卸下志在必得的壓力之後,回歸真實純淨的自我,流露人性中最柔軟、最真實的一面。

如果,你盡了一切努力,結果仍不如人意,你的確有不快樂的權利。也許,努力的過程中,方法不對、技巧有待改進,沒關係,痛哭一場之後,可以重新開始! 我認為:容許自己不快樂,是釋放壓力的方式之一。當然,你不要讓自己長期處於不快樂的狀態,那並不健康。但是,逼自己永遠表現很快樂的樣子,同樣有害身心發展。

暫時的不快樂,是人生中常有的過渡期。畢竟,我們都在過日子,沒有人是天天過年的。情緒的潮起潮落,運氣的時高時低,都是很自然的事。 不快樂的原因,也許和你的體力有關、也許和你的工作進度有關。或是你在感情生活中有挫折,或來自人際關係的危機。

總之,不快樂一定有不快樂的原因,但你必須先發現不快樂、承認不快樂,才能進一步找出可以對症下藥的解決方式。 聰明才能察覺不快樂 有時候,你會發現:沒什麼特別的負面因素導致不快樂,那很可能只是因為長期疲勞的關係。至少,你因此而知道必須安排假期出去走走了。能夠感覺自己不快樂,是很聰明的自我察覺。

比起那些終日麻木不仁,搞不清楚自己心情狀態的人,要好得太多。 還有另一種人,明明知道自己不快樂,卻強裝快樂。偏偏,不快樂是一種氣味,走近的人,都會聞得出來。除非,那個人遲鈍到近乎鼻塞。 適度強顏歡笑,固然是一種禮貌。

為了不影響別人的情緒,我們的確不必大力聲張:「我現在不快樂。」但若是一年三百六十五天、一天二十四小時,都不肯停止笑容的人,臉上的線條必定很僵硬。反而給人「皮笑肉不笑」的錯覺,造成不誠懇的印象,產生人際關係的疏離感。 接受自己不快樂的事實 你有不快樂的權利。接受自己不快樂的事實,才能避免把自己的不快樂當作攻擊別人的武器。 發現自己不快樂的時候,不妨休息一下,容許自己發個呆、少做一點事,等情緒調整過來,重新出發。

如果有特殊狀況,必須暫時隱藏不快樂的情緒,希望不用撐得太久。甚至,你可以告訴值得信任的人,此刻的你並不快樂,請他幫忙分擔一下可能必須應付的場面。 我也見過長年都處於不快樂情緒的人。他們怨天怨地,沒一件是看得順眼。想幫他的忙時,他又說:「其實我很好!這不關你的事。」或「你怎麼做都沒用,我就是開心不起來。」

有一句話說:「世界上能讓你不快樂的人,只有你自己。」 說得真有道理。往另一個方向思考,道理也一樣。 「世界上能讓你重拾快樂的,也唯有你自己。」 請你一定要記得:你有不快樂的權利;也有讓自己重拾快樂的義務。

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Lose of ACCA script

The following letter is written by a student which is affected by this incident :

A letter was sent to students stated that a number of ACCA examination scripts had been stolen from a secure courier van during a raid on 4 January 2005.The letter then went on to say, after apologies, that a special exam on 19 February had been organised for re-sits and that students (for Glasgow Centre) could attend a meeting on 26th January to raise any questions they had with ACCA representatives.

The letter also stated due to disruption, students would not have to pay fees for exams sat in Dec 2004 or for sittings in Jun and Dec 2005. Students would also not be charged for subscription fees for the next 3 years.At the actual meeting, there were a panel of four ACCA representatives and the Director of Education.

Mr Protherow explained that CAT papers from Malaysia and 2.6 papers had been stolen from a secure courier van in Notts, UK while the driver was on his break. The 2.6 papers had been marked but no copy taken of these marks and the CAT papers had not been marked. He then covered the options which had been available to ACCA, ie give passes to all students , give average marks or do re-sits.

The reason re-sits were chosen was that they had consulted with Department of Trade and Industry and Profession of Accountants, who advised that all students must be examined at the same level of knowledge. To give passes or average marks would not give any evidence that students had acquired the knowledge to pass the exam. He stated that both these bodies would question ACCA's professionalism if they gave unqualified passes to students.

The meeting then progressed to open questions and answers from students and the ACCA representatives.The main points raised by students were:

Would students be sitting same exam and how would it be marked?
What were options if students could not re-sit on 19 February?
Why did it take three weeks to inform students about theft of papers?
Why are there time limits on no fees for examinations?

And many more.......ACCA representatives responded in following way:

Students won't be re-sitting same exam, but the exam will be marked taking into account limited revision time and stress to all involved.
If students cannot re-sit on 19 February, they can resit at normal exam times.
This re-sit will not be charged for on any occasion.
There will be special examinations for those who choose to resit paper 2.6 in June along with paper 3.6 which is held on same day.One will be in morning and one will be in afternoon.
The next four subject attempts will not be charged for, whenever student decides to sit them.

ACCA will be summarising all points raised and any action to be taken in writing.

ACCA exam feedback (paper 1.1-3.7)

LCA’s director of international operations at LCA Peter Keeling casts his eye over the December sitting

Examiners like students should be relevant, clear, to the point, on the syllabus and careful with their use of time – so let’s see how they performed at Christmas – who was the turkey, the cracker and the fairy at the top of the tree!

Paper 1.1 was an excellent exam paper. It held the right balance between computational and written elements. The questions were all on syllabus and relevant. The conventional question 5 however was not very relevant.

Paper 1.2 has improved since David Forster took over. If his last paper was a little tough this was a little too soft. The conventional questions are not that predictable so students must not use ‘question spotting’. Question 3 may have caused a few problems for the brighter students who might try to find a standard net profit per unit only to be worried about the long-term normal level of activity.

Paper 1.3 posed no real time constraints and the scenario question was as in the past ‘signposted’ in an article in the ACCA Student Accountant magazine – so keep up the reading of articles by John Ball. The section B questions were as always ‘textbook’ questions with little application of knowledge required – so keep up the reading of your textbook.

Paper 2.1 usually requires plenty of application rather than pure learning. This was an excellent examination paper. As always very fair – one of his best. I liked the mark allocations with plenty of short questions to give syllabus coverage but not expecting too much depth from accountants on an IT paper. Question 5 was however very weak since it required students to explain the notation of techniques to document systems rather than applying the techniques – brighter students will not like this.

Paper 2.2(UK) has rarely posed any problems for well-prepared students question 4 was time pressured but overall this paper was straightforward.

Paper 2.3 (UK) is always a more time-pressured paper but this time it was seen as a fair paper typical of examiner David Harrowven. There were a couple of items that were off-syllabus in question 7 – non-trading charges and Schedule A property tax on individuals – but overall a sensible paper.

Paper 2.4 was a paper that the well-prepared student should be able to pass. The problem with paper 2.4 is that the syllabus is just too big. Question 1 was badly worded in many places and may have caused problems for brighter students. Question 5 was probably avoided by many students who realised that they can skip certain topics in their studies to deal with this overburdened syllabus.

Paper 2.5 is always a paper with time pressure but probably less so this time – but beware in June. Question 3 gives twenty marks for churning out facts regarding the standard setting process and the bodies involved – boring in the extreme! Only 5 marks are given for commenting on the effectiveness or otherwise – do we want thinkers or word processors? Question 5 on purchase of own shares was excellent – but I imagine no one will agree with me – particularly not the students! At least it won’t come up next time – but don’t quote me on that!

Paper 2.6 rarely poses problems. The new examiner coming in next time has stated that he will follow along the lines of his predecessor – that is good news – so read his article in Student Accountant. This paper was well balanced with both knowledge and application. It is clear that students must know their standards well and be confident in internal control and basic audit procedures. Audit risk continues to feature more than once. Question 6 was rather open-ended asking students to explain and describe the main audit procedures at the interim and final audits – where do you start and where do you end?

Paper 3.1 Kim Smith sets good papers and apart from question 6 this was a fair and thorough paper. The issue with question six was that it was based on her article in Student Accountant that many students and tutors thought was rather difficult to read and also wondered why it had been written in the first place! We now know – it was written to enable students to answer an equally strange question! I hope I am not alone in making these comments – I just could not see the point of the question! But for other questions students must practice plenty of questions to pass this paper – it is an applied exam. Students must also remember that the examiners answers are longer than they are expected to produce.

Paper 3.2(UK) has been a problem for some time and this is the last paper of the current examiner. Students should read any articles by the new examiner for pointers to the future.

Paper 3.3 has an excellent examiner in Shane Johnson and this paper was fair and well balanced. Question 1 contained some ‘Mickey Mouse’ level calculations that used to be taught at Foundation level – profit maximisation and break-even level. Part (f) on the limitations and benefits of SWOT analysis was too much of a textbook question – better to get students to do the analysis based on the scenario and then make specific comments.
Question 3 was very weak and a lazy effort – why ask students to state how Business Process Reengineering (BPR) can enable ‘overall’ business performance to be improved without any context? Merely trotting out textbook points is not very demanding or thought provoking. Why not tell students about the industry, competition, systems in place and history of the business – essentially including some IT? Question 5 also lacked any context or scenario to make it relevant.

Paper 3.4 We are now getting used to George Bakehouse as an examiner. Question 1 was ultimately fair if a little vague in its requirement. Question 2 saw SWOT as a regular feature since it is a good way of working through the detail of a case study scenario. In question 3 students may have found it hard to produce an ethical analysis of a dilemma that appears not to be a significant ‘ethical’ issue. Not a good question since its real purpose was to churn back the model used in the article written recently by the examiner. Question 4 covered SSM again but I felt that part (b) was missing the whole point of SSM. The example of a bank processing bank transfers for payroll payments is about as hard and mechanistic as you can get. In question 6 I was pleased to see both Nolan and Parsons in the exam but felt that the examiner was out of date in his views. I found part (b) difficult, and so did the examiner judging from his very weak answer!

Paper 3.5 Rather as in paper 3.4 some of the theories and models being examined are now over twenty years old and beginning to show their age. The case study scenario did not encourage students to integrate financial and strategic analysis and the financial information given was rudimentary. Students may have been diverted from the main aspects of the case study question by the complexity of the business structure. Overall the paper would not have caused too many problems for students who have learned their theory but it does not really apply the theories and demand critical thinking.

Paper 3.6 was largely fair, clearly written, unambiguous and with fair mark allocations. Question 2 on group reconstructions would not have been popular and question 3 was tough covering both cash flow hedges and embedded derivatives. Students would have anticipated question 5 but would have found the issues rather wide-ranging. Overall this was a tough but fair paper.

Paper 3.7 Overall this was not a bad paper and students should have found it easier than last time. In question1 the examiner made it too lengthy by using 6 years of cash flows. Question 2 part (b) will have caused problems – in particular the fact that one of the two companies cannot borrow both types of loan more cheaply than the other. Question 4 was rather unfair in expecting students to value call options on the basis of the value of the puts and the put-call parity theorem.

So what is our conclusion? Is there a turkey, a cracker or a fairy on top of the tree? Not really this time – they were a fair set of exams.

ACCA exam script robbery - your say

Read what trainees have been saying about the 'great ACCA exam robbery'

The Pass/BPP Talkback Line has been red-hot with your comments, read a selection below.

*I am a lecturer living north of the border and half a dozen of my students have been affected by the great ACCA exam script robbery.

They are understandably extremely distraught as they are now well into study for their next papers and had been quite confident that 2.6 was now out of the way.

So their preparation, like hundreds of others, for June has now been severely disrupted.
Name and telephone number supplied

*It’s really sad that a great number of trainees are going to have to retake their exams. The only advice I can give is that until any further developments, students should avoid wasting time thinking about what to do about it, and just start preparing for the resit as soon as possible.

Lets’s all hope for some leniency from ACCA over this issue and good wishes to everyone involved in resits.
Name and address supplied

*Following the theft of the exam papers, which may not necessarily be the fault of ACCA, some of my colleagues have gradually realised that the organisation’s recent performance has been deteriorating - especially in the student affairs area.
Name and address supplied

*I have to say that (although it may not be popular opinion) I feel sorry for the ACCA over the theft of their exam papers. They didn’t want this to happen and are likely to come in for criticism. If they do all they can in the situation, that is all we can ask. It is not as if the other bodies would be able to deal with the situation any better is it?
Name and address supplied

* ACCA making trainees retake 2.6 is such a waste of time and all through no fault of their own. At least the costs won’t be passed on to the re-sitters. This whole situation is really hard to believe.
Name and address supplied

* I think ACCA has suffered a number of student related errors lately but it still has an extremely high reputation across the world. However, I do think students are getting worried about what appears to be one problem after another.
Name and address supplied

* Following the news on the stolen ACCA papers, there is no doubt in my mind that the students should have to sit the paper again, however, ACCA should have done the following:

* Given all students at least six weeks notice of the re-sit
* Lower the pass mark to 40%
* Pay for all of the costs of attending exams, ie time off work, cost to employers etc.

I sat 2.6 in December and would hate to sit it again, but ACCA could argue that if we forget what we knew six or so weeks ago, are we really worthy of being members?

However, we never completely remember everything we've learnt for an exam. We build ourselves up into a peak of knowledge, knowing that we can give 100% on the day.

I am fairly certain that if those students work hard enough, they should get through this re-sit.

The other problem is those who are opted into the Oxford Brookes degree will be relying on a high mark with 2.6 for the degree classification. A re-sit may cause certain students to resent ACCA in a way and maybe not give their all in the exam, like they did in December - this could have adverse effects on the degree they were after.

Good luck to all those who have to re-sit, there is no doubt that you don’t need this, especially if like me, you sat 2.6 with your part 3 option papers and you are now revising for the final three.

The final three papers are extremely difficult - you just don’t need a further distraction in the form of a re-sit, but things have happened and you must get through it.
Name and address supplied

ACCA in exam script robbery shocker

Exclusive by Louise Durack

ACCA has revealed 351 trainees will be forced to resit their December exams after their scripts were stolen during a robbery on a DHL courier van in Glasgow recently.

The scripts, stolen on 4 January, included the work of 200 trainees who sat Paper 2.6 in the UK and Republic of Ireland and 151 students who sat Paper T10 in Malaysia.

ACCA has told the stunned students they will have to attend the specially set up resits on 19 February and that there will be no flexibility granted on this date.

Mark Protherough, ACCA managing director of education, training and development, said: ‘Of course we very much regret that these students will have to resit this exam. We have tried our utmost to minimise the disruption to their studies and to alleviate their distress.’

An ACCA spokesman added the organisation ‘fully understood and shared the distress of the affected students’.

However, trainees bombarded the Pass/BPP Talkback line after being told by the organisation that they must resit their exams.

One student told Pass of his distress to find a letter on his doorstep on 21 January informing him of the shocking robbery and the subsequent resit.

‘I think ACCA need to be a bit more flexible in the way they deal with this. Offering us a few financial sweeteners will not be good enough’.

Another angry trainee from Glasgow told Pass the whole situation ‘very stressful’.

They added: ‘ACCA has told me this date is non-negotiable, but the problem is I will be arriving in New Zealand just two days prior to this for a holiday and I will obviously not be in any fit state to take an audit exam at that point.’

ACCA added that in addition to the new sitting, which it said will prevent students being unduly disadvantaged; ACCA is offering the following help:

* Meetings with senior ACCA staff

* Revision notes sent to the students

* Fees credited for all exams sat in the December 2004 sittings

* No charge made for the affected students' next four subject attempts, provided these are taken during 2005

* The students will not be subject to subscription charges for the next three years

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


你是個開朗的人嗎?by 吳淡如




一. 如果你討厭一個人,你會:
A▽ 只要看到他,頭就隱隱作痛。
B▽ 拒絕跟他打交道。
C▽ 故意整他。
D▽ 這個問題不成立,我完全沒有討厭過人。

A▽ 笨蛋,真丟臉。
B▽ 我是怎麼搞的?等一下應該去買樂透。
C▽ 什麼爛馬路!市政府真不負責任。
D▽ 你好可憐哦,不痛、不痛。

A▽ 退一步說,我配不上你。
B▽ 據實以告,有人比你更適合我。
C▽ 避不見面,希望用時間沖淡。
D▽ 醜化自己,讓對方知難而退。

A▽ 隨便買個麵包打發,或問旁邊的人有無零食可以填肚子。
B▽ 到餐廳吃頓好飯犒賞自己。
C▽ 乾脆忍到晚餐再吃。

A▽ 沒有,只要被騙一次我就對那人不再有信心。
B▽ 曾經。所以學聰明了,不再輕易上當。
C▽ 不只兩次,而且被騙的狀況還滿類似。
D▽ 我連一次也沒被騙過。

A▽ 只要看到他,頭就隱隱作痛,卻選擇以「平常心」面對—
B▽ 拒絕跟他打交道—
C▽ 故意整他—
D▽ 這個問題不成立,我完全沒有討厭過人—

A▽ 笨蛋,真丟臉—
B▽ 我是怎麼搞的?等一下應該去買樂透—
C▽ 什麼爛馬路!市政府真不負責任—
D▽ 你好可憐哦,不痛、不痛—

A▽ 退一步說,我配不上你—
B▽ 據實以告,有人比你更適合我—
C▽ 避不見面,希望用時間沖淡—
D▽ 醜化自己,讓對方知難而退—

A▽ 隨便買個麵包打發,或問旁邊的人有無零食可以填肚子—
B▽ 到餐廳吃頓好飯犒賞自己—
C▽ 乾脆忍到晚餐再吃—

A▽ 沒有,只要被騙一次我就對那人不再有信心—
B▽ 曾經。所以學聰明了,不再輕易上當—
C▽ 不只兩次,而且被騙的狀況還滿類似—
D▽ 我一次也沒被騙過—



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Tke few minutes to read.......

Take a few minutes break and read this, think about it:

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still
in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused
track,the rest on the operational track.

The train came, and you were just beside the track interchange.You
could make the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids. However, that would also mean the lone child
playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way?

Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make.............

How do you decide?

No cheating...

What is your decision?

Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. You might think the same way, I guess.

Exactly, I thought the same way initially because to save most of
the children at the expense of only one child was rational decision
most people would make, morally and emotionally. But, have you ever
thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was.

This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the
minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no
matter how foolish or ignorant the majority is, and how farsighted and knowledgeable the minority is. The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed,no one would shed a tear for him.

The friend who forwarded me the story said he would not try to change
the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing
on the operational track should have known very well that track was
still in use and that they should have run away if they heard the
train's sirens.

If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over to that track!

Moreover, that track was not in use probably because it was notsafe. If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives
of all passengers on board at stake! And in your attempt to save a
few kids by sacrificing one child, you might end up sacrificing hundreds of people to save these few kids.

While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions thatneed to be made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always be
the right one.

"Remember that what's right isn't always popular... and what's popular isn't always right."

Everybody makes mistakes; that's why they put erasers on pencils.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

一個小測驗,很靈的!!A Small Test !

真的很靈的 真的真的很靈的 !

The english version is especially dedicated to my friend,Yan er so that she can do the small test also..:)

Please answer accordingly....

 Writes down an opposite sex name

You most like the color is red, black, blue color, green, or

The first alphabet of your name?

What is the month of your birthday?

Which do you prefer,black or white?

Write down a gender name who is same as you.

7) 你最喜歡的數位?   
What is the number that you like the most?

8)你喜歡美國的加利福尼亞州(California) 還是福羅裏達州(Florida)?
You likes California or Florida?   

You like lake or sea?

Answer :

This is the person that you are in deep love.

If you choose:

Red: you are very alert and your life are full with love.
Black : You are very conservative,but also very proud.

Green: Your soul disperses very much lazily,and you are a person
who easily get relaxed.

Blue: You are like octopus,you can love many people at the same time,and you like your lover's kisses and love

Yellow: You are a happy person,and you will give good suggestion to the person who are upset.

If the first alphabet of your english name is :  

A-K 你有的一生中會很多愛和友情  
A-K You have lots of loves and friendships in your whole life.

L-R 你總是想歡享你的生命,你的愛情生活馬上就要開放   
L-R You always like to enjoy your life,and you will start your love life soon.

S-Z 你喜歡幫助他人,而且你的未來的愛情生活充滿希望
S-Z You like to help others,and you always have a good wish to your future love life.

If you are born in :

Jan to March : You will have good luck this year and you will find out that you will fall in love with some one

Apr to Jun : you will have a strong love relationship but it won't last long,but that beautiful memory will make you remember for your life.

July to Sept : You will have a happy year and you will experience one wonderful great changes in your life.

Oct to Dec : your love will not be good,but at the end you will able to find your life partner.

If you choose :

黑色:你的生命將會改變方向,當時看起來似乎很難,但之後你會覺得這個改變是你 一生中最好的東西  
Black : you will experience changes in direction in your life,eventhough it seems like very difficult,but you will find that the changes will be the most wonderful things in your life.

White: You have a friend that trust you very much and willing to do anything for you ,but you won't notice this point.

He/She is your best friend.

This is the number of good friends you will have in your life.

If you choose :

加利福尼亞州(California) :你喜歡冒險  You like adventure 
福羅裏達州(Florida):你是個懶散的人 You are a lazy person.

If you choose :

lake : you treat your friend and lover loyally,and you are a conservative person. 
sea: you are like octopus,you can love many people at the same time,and you will make the one you love happy.

Phycology test

How honest you are to your love?


are your mood happy when you wake up in the morning?
Yes->go to Q2
No->go to Q3

you will say something before it thinking properly?

you like sports like riding horse,tennis and etc?

you will have blurry action when you are in flustered(cemas)?

if you are going to get married by it is objected by your family,you dare to stay with your boyfriend together without marry?

you will save to money of drinking coffee if there is necessary to do so?

You will stay on your own stand even your opinion is opposed by others?

you won't lose your mind when you buying cloths?

you will make dishes for your boyfriend?

you dislike a male that talks like a girl?

you are very concerned the proper age to get married?

you don't like people get in to your room even though he is your boyfriend?

you will get a job to service people in a group tour?

you will make fun on the way your friend fall in love?

even you fail in front of people,but you not very care after that?

you will treat other people joke seriously,and others will make joke on you about this?

you will feel very excited when attending your friend's wedding?

you can't stand an untidy room?

you will appear silently at the place that your boyfriend will appear just because you want to meet your

you can familiar with everyone immediately?

you are not expert in those work that need special care?

you will become talkative when you are in a big group?

you will involve in a job that is very meaningful throughout your life?

you don't like to tell others about what you are doing?

you are not used to acts like a spoiled brat(manja)?

you have too many boyfriend and you have difficulty in dealing with it?

you will get touched when you watched sad stories and come out with tear?

your lie is easily found out by others?

you will try your final bet to the maximum when you feel that danger is approaching you?

you will feel proud when you are mixed with those well known people in the society?

you will get hurt easily in your love?

you are very concerned about the way the style you wear when you are travelling oversea?


●A 型:妳的戀愛模式屬於母性愛型。一旦陷入熱戀中會如同母親一般的照拂對方,剛開始對方可能還能忍受妳這種無微不至的照顧方式,然而時間一久會發覺和妳交往 就像和嚕嗦的大姐談戀愛,興起躲避妳的念頭。由於這樣的個性會受到年紀小或個性軟弱男人的追求,若希望有位男性化的男人出現,恐怕還有一段距離,最起碼在 妳的心態上必須要做一番不小的調整才行。


●C 型:妳的戀愛模式屬於理性型。絕不會因一見鍾情的而愛上一個人,自尊心強的妳縱然心儀的男人出現,在不確定對方的心意之前,不會主動接近。只是,凡事過於 慎重、小心的妳有個致命的弱點,那就是過度崇拜知識份子型的男人,一碰到這種男性會容易意亂情迷,而無法冷靜的觀察對方,這一點必須注意。

●D 型:妳的戀愛模式屬於專一型。由於妳的愛是專一、執著的,所以需要花很長的時間才會陷入愛河,然而一旦愛上之後,隱藏於內心某處的熱情會一發不可收拾。不 過,若失戀的話會想不開的一生永不再談情,此時,最好找自己要好的朋友聊聊,說出自己悲傷的感覺,好恢復以往的自己。

●E型:妳的戀愛模 式屬於遊戲人間型。對每份戀情容易動情,同樣地也容易很快便厭倦,因為妳只注重對方的外表,而不在意對方是否真心,因此和不! 誠實的男人談戀愛的機會不是沒有。只享受戀愛時光的愉悅,結交的儘是不結婚的男人,一提到結婚兩個字他們都紛紛走避,所以妳要注意交往的對象。表面上看來 妳似乎很能掌握男人的心理,實際上則未必。

●F型:妳的戀愛模式屬於被動型,即使心愛的人出現在妳面前也不敢主動示愛。個性被動的妳對於 向對方表白心意的努力嫌不足,以致常常會嚐到相思的苦楚。反之,若有不喜歡的人要求和妳交往,妳極有可能勉強答應對方的要求。建議妳先確立自己的感情,並 且由妳身邊信賴的朋友介紹對象,這樣的安排應該不至於出什麼差錯。

十二星座代表的飲料 ( Male )

牡羊座-汽水 既嗆辣又清涼,刺激你從舌尖到心臟

得不得理都不饒人的牡羊,就像一隻焚火的公羊,永遠橫衝直撞。 你要知道他語氣尖銳絕對是天生白目,他的心可比汽水般清澈善良。


他的自尊和自信像數不完的汽水泡,一但被冒犯就等著他強大的憤怒迎面襲來。 說到底他仍是善良的,就算他發了滔天的脾氣,過沒多久他仍是單純的糖水罷了。

金牛座-保久乳 溫吞、營養、節儉且耐人尋味

不少人對金牛座的印象是優雅貴氣的,他們慣用高質感的物件善待自己。 美食主義加上自我要求,他們寧可省吃儉用,也要去吃一頓高級餐館或是去買一組高科技視聽設備。


他們是保久乳,博學卻低調,跟他們相處久了可以見識一些智慧哲理。 他們是營養的,雋永的,想要得見他們的藝術氣息,就必須耐心守候在他身邊,靜待他慢功的細活。

雙子座-冰砂 對什麼事都三分鐘熱度,很快就會冷卻無味



趕在他冷卻之前變身,讓他永遠對你感興趣。 要成為他的情人,務必向千面女郎看齊。

巨蟹座-豆漿 必須經過囉唆繁複的細節才能更得到他最真摯的感情


因為敏感跟不畏瑣碎,他可以不厭其煩地跟不同人絮說他的生活瑣事,也樂於當家庭聯絡簿,可以跟同一個人提醒上百次的備忘錄。 就像豆漿一樣,反反覆覆研磨出清潤的成品。



他是豆漿,努力將人生磨煮成完美的液體,卻永遠忘記拋棄一些不合時宜的回憶。 所以就算他打扮入時,說話科技,他仍是豆漿,擺脫不了濃厚的懷舊味以及近乎強迫症般追求完美的性格。

獅子座-啤酒 豪氣干雲又霸氣萬千


他永遠自備舞台和SPOT LIGHT,準備隨時惹人驚艷和得到掌聲。被他愛上的幸運兒可以得到全世界的忌妒,戀舊的他即使分手仍會將過往謹記在心﹔而得罪他的白目可得小心,他火爆的脾氣猶如醉漢發威不可小覷。

你準備和獅子談場華麗炫目的戀愛了嗎? 歡迎你提起膽子,走到鎂光燈下,對著啤酒般的他大聲告白。

處女座-濃茶 堅持完美和純粹直達無以復加的境界


沒錯,處女座的住家不一定窗明几淨, 處女座的個性不一定反覆猶豫,但是他們對愛情的標準卻是完全的潔癖龜毛。他們非得曠日費時進行暗戀,搞得眾所皆知,仍舊打死不肯告白。 只因他們喜歡聖潔無暇,如偶像般的伴侶,不容許他們有一絲絲細節的差錯:用錯牌子的洗髮精,扣分!用錯顏色的梳子,扣分!用錯情緒的聲音,扣分!當對方接近不及格時,他便阿Q地安慰自己:暗戀可以結束了。然後黯然神傷地模擬失戀情節。




濃茶般的處女座給的感情可是濃烈的很,不要被他清新的外表所惑。 你要啜飲濃茶之前,先問問自己有沒有體力來場完美度的考驗賽!

天秤座-雞尾酒 各大社交場合都缺不了他





天秤博學多聞卻是相當囉唆,溫柔有餘體貼不足。 不過如果想體驗一下上流社會的約會或生活,認識雞尾酒天秤座絕對是不會錯的選擇。

天蠍座-長島冰茶 看來溫和無害,只要被他的尾針一扎,便脫不了身


這不是說他們會多猛烈追求喜愛的對象或是猛烈報復,而是說,他們的愛,即使沒有得到回應和回饋,也是會持續到不可置信的年歲。 這可以歸因於他們的專情,或是說,他們的固執。就如同長島冰茶,不動聲色地,酒醉你的神經,讓你渾然不知自己醉了,或是沒醉。



射手座-果汁 要趁新鮮喝



魔羯座-咖啡 初見魔羯的人很容易被他陰沉執著的表現所懾

他是嚴謹的、不茍言笑的、實事求是的,常會給人嚴肅不可冒犯的感覺,就像黑咖啡初碰味蕾時的苦澀難當。 但認識久了,你會了解到,他其實是很散漫、叛逆、想要搞怪的傢伙。




平時默默的他,絕對在你需要幫助的時候,伸出第一隻援手。 因為他是咖啡,要等待他回甘,請先得忍受他剛入口時的苦澀。

水瓶座-蘇打水 無色無味,適合任何口味的飲料






雙魚座-奶昔 甜滋滋又夢幻到不行,溫柔善感的飲品


他們將僅存的純真製成奶昔,有冰淇淋甜蜜的口感,也有細緻縝密的善感。 愛上雙魚情人,請記得小心翼翼品嚐他極易融化的感情,並將他的甜蜜謹記在心。

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

<< Fly Away >>

I would to introduce the album called Fly Away by Corrinne May,even though she is not a famous singer,but i think her song is very sentimental and when you listen to her songs,it is like healing soul,I likes the song Fly Away,it is written by her and she specially dedicated this song to her family whom she left.

The following is the press and quote about her.....

"Combines the haunting otherworldliness of artists like Sarah McLachlan and Sting with the open veracity of Joni Mitchell...May's voice is instantly intoxicating...this is a touching, enchanting record." ---Clay Steakley, Performing Songwriter Magazine.

"This Singapore-born, Berklee-educated songwriter combines the haunting otherworldliness of artists like Sarah McLachlan and Sting with the open veracity of Joni Mitchell. The result is Corrinne May's stunning self-titled release. May's voice is instantly intoxicating-beautiful and adept, but never needlessly showy. Her melodies slide elegantly through well-executed, smart arrangements. Even though one track, the lovely "If You Didn't Love Me," was co-written with Carole King and Carole Bayer Sager, May's solely self-penned songs stand on their own as solid, engaging examples of writing. "Stay on the Road" and "All That I Need" are lush, driven pop while "Mr. Beasley" and the sweet opener "Fly Away" are piano adorned folk gems. With her hopeful, fluid lyrics and heavenly voice, this is a touching, enchanting record."
-----Performing Songwriter Magazine July/August 2002

Corrinne May's crystal river voice and her beautiful songs moved me in such a powerful, spiritual way. Even the most hardened heart doesn't stand a chance.On the very first track, "Fly Away," her voice floats out of the speakers with no musical intro. This is one of her very personal songs, one about leaving her family behind in Singapore so she could pursue a musical career in the States. By the time she was into the second verse, I was sitting at my desk in tears.

May's work makes the soul tremble. The reviews in her press kit compare her to Sarah McLachlan. Please. McLachlan would give anything to sound like this.This is a rare talent. I'm not the only one captured. When she competed in a songwriting challenge issued by the music industry web site TONOS, she was chosen out of over 200 applicants to co-write a song with Carole King and Carole Bayer Sager.

The song, "If You Didn't Love Me," is featured on the CD.It's a gorgeous piano ballad with a classical feel. May's voice makes it downright ethereal. This young woman who began playing the organ at four years old and won her first songwriting competition at fifteen has also seen her music featured on Lifetime TV and the daytime drama "One Life To Live."Most of this acoustic music is quiet, setting the stage for her voice, casting a swirling mist around it.

The voice gives us watercolor images, like the ones in "Fall To Fly," a song about growing up, becoming practical, and forgetting the magic of childhood:

"On winter days the snow would glisten
Like a sea of diamonds in the sun....
Arms held out, eyes shut closed
I'd lean back and just let go.
And I would fall to fly.
A snow white angel, I'd spread my wings to the sky
How I'd glide..."

May doesn't just croon ballads. "Stay On The Road" is a pop/rock song that rises to something that sounds like a rock spiritual revival. "Mr. Beasley," a very observant study of a sweet and nervous suitor, rings with humor anywoman can identify with. "Something About You" is a joyful song about discovering a deeper feeling for someone who's been just a friend.

This is one of those CDs that reinforce my belief in a Higher Power because there's just no other explanation for that voice. It's a Must Have, whether you're male or female. Guys, you may be tough, but she'll reach you. Ladies, two words: waterproof mascara.

Artist Website:

一段旅程該走多久 時間會等我們嗎?
一個為旅人撫慰傷痛 讓時光停駐的歌聲
在你我心中永遠Reply的Corrinne May

一個在新加坡出生卻在異地的美國意外闖出名號,她感情豐沛的歌詞,曾讓許多離鄉遊子不禁地留下眼淚;她溫暖卻清澈透明的歌聲,撫慰了在都會中早已失去方向的現代人;她渾然天成的創作才華更感動了民謠之母Carole King及超級製作人Babyface,她就是Corrinne May。

在新加坡出生,之後在1996年進入美國波士頓柏克利音樂學院就讀,Corrinne May在求學期間就曾以優異的創作才華而連續兩年獲得校內的歌曲創作演唱大賞。畢業後就移居洛杉磯,專職音樂的創作,Corrinne除了為當地的電視台做一些連續劇的配樂工作外,也定期在Live House中演出為自己累積人氣。

不過真正讓Corrinne May在美國發光發亮的,則是參加了由超級製作人Babyface及大衛佛斯特發起的網路歌曲創作比賽的活動,並得到了優勝的頭銜。而也因為這個契機,讓Corrinne May認識了民謠之母Carole King,並促成了Corrinne May得以與Carole King共同創作的機會,才有了「If You Didn’t Love Me」這首歌曲的產生。

Corrinne May的才華不僅在美國受到肯定,在太平洋彼岸的亞洲,也以創作人的身分出現在不少的音樂專輯中。其中包括了蔡健雅演唱的「默契」、張韶涵演唱過的「Journey」,都是出自Corrinne之手。另外她的歌聲也曾出現在由舒琪、莫文蔚以及趙薇所共同主演的電影「末路天使」中演唱電影主題曲「Close To You」。

Fly Away是Corrinne May在美國發行的第一張創作專輯,Corrinne以其細膩的筆觸以及歌聲,唱出了身處在每個不同時空下旅人的故事。不論是難捨親情卻含笑為遠走他鄉親人祝福的Fly Away;儘管身處不同時空然有月光聯繫便不覺寂寞的Same Side of The Moon;為害怕受傷害而不再輕易付出感情的現代人所寫的Fall to Fly;為另一半所寫的Mr. Beasley;以及獻給所有悵然若失人們的Journey。Fly Away專輯中的每首歌,都值得我們細細的聆聽及體會。

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Year of The Rooster,2005

For the Rat,

There will be very good luck for you this year, Rat. With persons of Nobility around, there will be success in business and career this year. Do not get involved with illegal activities and avoid methods of earning quick cash. Rats should improve in their intellectual abilities as this will also greatly affect the overall luck.

Wealth may be good this year but do not be too greedy. Be content with what you have and try putting aside some savings for rainy days, avoid gambling and heavy investments.

This year, there will be chances of getting a raise and promotion, Rat. Be humble, perform well and grab any opportunities available. This is a year where your potentials will be put to test. Stay calm when handlingproblems.

Be careful of insomnia this year. Always see a doctor if you begin to feel unwell. Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes. Don't try to treat>yourselffor this could be devastating. Stick to the rules when riding or driving vehicles.

There will be chances to make more new friends this year. Singles will be able to meet up with their potential partner. For married couples, there may be a third party coming into the relationship. Try settling it peacefully and keep the ball rolling.

For the Ox,

Be more careful in the things that you do. You might get seriously ill this year. Control your emotions when bad situations arise. There will be lots of changes in the realms of jobs and new businesses. Although wealthluck is not bad, you must avoid gambling and investing.

Try putting some money aside for rainy days. Avoid gambling, investments and buying stocks this year. Do not get involved in illegal activities. Do not become greedy once you have earned some money, donate some to charity.

There will be chances this year involving new jobs or even a break into the new business you desire. Problems will occur but life will get back on track quickly. Solve problems confidently and do not be too arrogant.Learn to be humble and be confident when doing business.

Health luck may seem good but due to your bad temper, expect to be seeing a doctor a few more times than you'd like! Take note of your liver and due to>your busy work schedule, try spending more time resting or you may fall sick easily.

The relationship with your partner will be uncertain. You will be easily mistaken and this'll cause frustration. For married couples, do show more care and concern for your partner or you could see it turn sour due to minor problems.

For the Tiger,

You will receive lots of wealth this year and there will be lots of opportunities to show off your talents. There will also be Tai Yang and Fu Xing present blessing you this year. Do grab opportunities when they appear.This ear, you must also build up your intellectual abilities and improve your social circle.

You will receive lots of wealth this year. There will be lots of investments made but you must have a detailed plan before anything can be started.

Persons of Nobility will be around to help you in the things you do. For those at work, you will perform well this year and you will be recognisedby authority figures.

Health is considered good this year with only some minor problems like a flu and colds. Do stay away from alcohol and cigarettes. Try to spend more time resting.

For singles, love relationship problems will either be caused by money or stress. This will not help at all. Treasure your partner (That doesn't mean bury him or her!) and carefully solve each problem that arises.

For the Rabbit,

You will be in conflict with Tai Sui this year. Be prepared as there will be lots of problems that you will have to face. During the year, you need to stay calm and be strong when settling problems. Be more humble as this will also help in getting advice from others.

Do not overspend this year. Practise 'stinginess' and get some help from a>financial planner. Avoid gambling this year. There may be chances >throughout>the year to earn some quick cash but do not be too greedy.

There will be lots of problem that you will face in your career. Attend to>them calmly and maturely. Try maintaing your job and do your best.Avoid changing jobs this year. Be more careful when handling contracts and documents.

Be careful of cuts from sharp objects this year. For the elderly,avoid contact with water and be just as careful when bathing. Be careful of falls and injuries such as sprains and fractures.When going out, always remember to secure all your doors and avoid dark alleys.

Love luck will be good this year. Singles will meet with their dream dates and relationships can be started from there. Wedding bells for loving couples can also be heard this year. For married persons, be extra careful of peach blossom (Third Party) trouble.

For the Dragon,

Persons of Nobility will appear to help you this year. Do grab this opportunity and perform well in your work. There will be chances of getting raise and a promotion this year. Be grateful for what you receive and be>humble towards other people. Be extra careful during outdoor activities.

Here will be progress in business overseas and you will see a good>increasein sales this year. Do grab all opportunities available.Do your best o crave out a successful career.

Facing lots of challenges, you will be able to perform well. There must also be determination on your part to succeed. Whenever an opportunity arises,get seriously selfish and grab it!

With a busy work schedule, you will have less resting time. This will cause your health to deteriorate. Try arranging some time to rest. Avoid igarettes and alcohol. For the elderly, be careful of a relapse of an old illnesses.

Your love life will be smooth and couples can get married this year. For married persons, be careful of a third party causing problems for you. Try to build up a stronger relationship with your partner.

For the Snake,

This year is the best for you to carve a niche for your career. You must be able to differentiate between good and bad friends too. In order for you to show off your talents, you must have a strong determination. Be extra careful when dealing with documents and contracts. There will be gossip and conflict in the office but do your best to avoid them. Do not be too arrogant.

Your wealth luck is good and there will be gains in your investments. There will also be chances in striking the lottery, big time! However, remember to take care of your money. Although luck is very good, you must still be extra careful with investments.

There will be good opportunities around this year. When handling documents at work, check everything thoroughly. If you plan to start a business, make>sure you do a detailed plan before proceeding.

Health will not be that good, this year. Do go for regular checkups. You>must practise good hygiene and avoid spicy and oily food. Try your best to avoid smoking, alcohol and 'lusting'. Do not speed when driving. Safety comes first.

You will become a popular person this year and you will go on many dates. Do be faithful towards your love partner. There will be some problems>betweenmarried couples, do settle this maturely.

For the Horse,

Lucky stars will shine on you in 2005. Luck will be very good especially in>your career but do not be too arrogant. In wealth, try to save some money for rainy days and avoid being a guarantor. Dating couples can plan marriage.As for married couples, they will have loving relationships and may go for second honeymoons.

Wealth will come easily this year but still, you must be very careful when investing. Get the advice of a professional financial planner and do not overspend. Remember to lock your door and windows at home.

Career luck is very good. Your business will be better than last year. Great improvements will be shown at work. Have a good rest when time allows as>there will be lots of stress. Improve your circle of friends at work. It will help a lot in your career. However, there will be vile characters trying to do you harm. Be careful.

Being a stressful year, your health will be greatly affected. Try spending some time for resting. The elderly and children will need more attention. Avoid climbing too high. Pregnant women should seek treatment immediatelyif you feel unwell, even the slightest.

Your love life will be good. There will be lots of potential partners this>year. Do show more concern for your partner's health. As for couples, you should spend time with your family. Try not to spend so much time arguing and settle problems as soon as possible

For the Goat,

Problems will occur especially in your career. Take this as a test and>improve your abilities. A person of Nobility will appear and help you when you really need it. Try to improve your circle of friends. Due to ill wealth luck, you should avoid gambling this year. You will suffer from insomnia due to heavy stress. For the elderly, take note of your health this year.

Avoid gambling and borrowing money from people this year. There will be high chances of losing money this year. Avoid using dark and lonely paths.

A well-prepared plan must be available before you start any business this year. Consider going for overseas business trips if the opportunities arise.A person of eminence will be present to guide you along. For those at work,you should build a better circle of friends.

Health luck is average. It will only be affected by your lack of rest.Elders will have more health problems. The same goes for pregnant women,they should seek medical attention when unwell.

Dating couples should try to be more understanding towards one another.Choose the right person to marry or you will live to regret it.Married couples will have deep lasting relationships

For the Monkey,

Lucky stars will be present and you should grab every opportunity this year.Noble persons will be around helping you and you will perform well at work. There will be chances of getting a raise and promotion. Health luck will not be up to expectations. As for your love life, you will need to work hard for a better outcome.

With good wealth luck, there will be lots of opportunities around.You should handle your money properly and not spend on unnecessary items.

Your career luck will be good, smooth sailing. Persons of Nobility will appear and guide you along the way. For those at work, you will prove to be of great help to the company. Always build a good relationship with one another.

The only bad news for this year is your health luck. You will need to take very good care of yourself. You will also get hurt easily, therefore be alert. Due to stress from your work, you must find yourself some time to rest. You must also stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

You should show more concern to your partner especially you, married woman.You should avoid getting involved with third parties. Singles will be able to meet their dream dates during business functions.

For the Rooster,

Problems will arise due to the presence of Tai Sui this year. Problems will occur in your career and you will need to handle them maturely. Be careful of vile characters. There will also be some money problems. You should save some money, prepare now for these problems.Youngsters should try solving their love problems carefully.

You should start hording money this year and not spend on unnecessary junk!There will be times that you will be caught out with money problems. Avoid becoming a guarantor for anyone.

Although there is a presence of a Noble person, you must still be careful of vile characters trying to create trouble for you.When handling documents,you should check thoroughly before signing. Grab every opportunity to carve out a good career.

Take note, as you will easily get hurt this year. Do not speed when driving.Avoid holding or staying around sharp objects or tools. Take note of the food that you eat. Children will get sick easily too, this year.

Although the relationships between married couples are good, you must still avoid getting involved with third parties, no matter how tempting. There will be good chances for youngsters to meet up with their dream dates this year.

For the Dog,

For those who are working or with their own businesses, this will be a good year for you to shine. There will be high hopes for a promotion and pay rise this year too. Wealth luck will be moderate so gamble less and do not over spend. There will be profits in the second half of the year in business trading. As for your health, many problems like stomachpain or flu will occur. There will be conflicts in the family and you will need to help solve them.

Your monthly pay is not too bad. Do not engage in investing though. Wealth may be good but you will also need to remember to save for rainy days.

Your career luck will be very good, smooth sailing. You will get praises from a superior due to your hard work. Your hard work will have paid off handsomely.

When engaged in outdoor activities, you will need to be extra careful.Always obey the traffic rules. You may have gastric problems so take note of your diet. Do take good care of your own health. Children should avoid climbing too high and you should watch out for their safety.

Your love luck will be very good. You will just need to be careful of vile characters trying to cause difficulties for you, especially married couples.As long as your relationship is deep and lasting, nothing will come between you.Dating couples will get married.

For the Pig,

Problems will occur this year and you will need to handle them with a calm mind. There will also be chances for you to change into a new job.Whateverthe outcome, always be strong and show your determination, do your very best Build better relationships with people. Do be more alert as you may get hurt easily this year and avoid water sports.

You will need to work hard in order to earn more money. Your wealth luck will depend on your hard work. Be more alert when investing.

There will be many changes that you will need to adapt to this year. Be more alert when investing. When handling documents, always do thorough checks before signing. You may have a chance of going overseas to work or travelling for a holiday.

Avoid climbing and doing dangerous stunts. When going outdoors, do not go alone. Do be more alert of your own safety. Take note of the food that you eat to avoid food poisoning.

Youngsters should avoid falling in love at such a tender age. They should put their studies first. There will be many conflicts in the relationship of married couples and they will need to be settled, quickly.

Classic Definitions & Cool Meanings

1. Cigarette : A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end & a fool at the other.

2. Lecture : An art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through "the minds of either".

3. Conference : The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.

4. Compromise : The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.

5. Tears : The hydraulic force by which masculine will-power is defeated by feminine water-power ..

6. Dictionary : A place where divorce comes before marriage.

7. Conference Room : A place where everybody talks, nobody listens & everybody disagrees later on.

8. Ecstasy : A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before.

9. Classic : A book which people praise, but do not read.

10. Smile : A curve that can set a lot of things straight.

11. Office : A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life.

12. Yawn : The only time some married men ever get to open their mouth.

13. Etc. : A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.

14. Committee: Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.

15. Experience : The name men give to their mistakes.

16. Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.

17. Philosopher : A fool who torments himself during life, to be spoken of when dead.

18. Diplomat : A person who tells you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.

19. Opportunist : A person who starts taking bath if he accidentally falls into a river.

20. Optimist : A person who while falling from Eiffel Tower says in midway "See I am not injured yet."

21. Pessimist :- A person who says that O is the last letter in ZERO, Instead of the first letter in word OPPORTUNITY.

22. Miser : A person who lives poor so that he can die rich.

23. Father : A banker provided by nature.

24. Criminal : A guy no different from the rest... except that he got caught.

25. Boss : Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.

26. Politician : One who shakes your hand before elections and your Confidence after.

27. Doctor : A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you with his bills.

28. Computer Engineer : One who gets paid for reading such mails......

Monday, January 03, 2005



★牡羊座 / 整體運勢:


2、 承襲著去年下半年以來的工作旺勢,衝勁十足的牡羊會乘勝追擊,一股作氣繼續奮戰,今年依舊可以有不錯的表現,重視效率與成就感的牡羊們,在工作與家庭生活上仍然要取得平衡,並且要特別注意健康,在去年,從工作或來自家庭問題造成的精神負擔,使得你壓力沉重,今年上半年這樣的壓力依舊存在,不過你已經可以釋然並懂得自我調適。

3、 天王星將在你的心靈宮長駐,受到海王星與天王星交互的作用力,牡羊們在心境上會更增添了幾分感性,直覺力也變得更為敏銳,會比較重視心靈活動,學習放慢腳步,多注意別人的感覺,將使羊兒們在身、性、靈方面大為成長。

★牡羊座 / 愛情桃花:



3、 熱情的牡羊們你的工作運跟愛情社交運勢息息相關,傑出的創意和優秀的工作能力會受到長官上司的賞識,也許你的另一半會成為你工作上的貴人,若遇到互動良好令你心儀的對象時,不要礙於身份地位的差異,要勇於表達你的感情,你的付出都能獲得善意的回應。

★牡羊座 / 家庭婚姻:



3、 已婚的牡羊們,本年度的家庭生活大致算得上圓滿融洽,適合與家人合作事業,配偶能幫助你在事業上獲得良好的財務運勢,而家中長輩在財政上的處理可能讓你憂心,在下半年時壓力的土星離開了家庭宮,你跟家人的感情應當更為和諧,而且家中有可能增添新成員。

★牡羊座 / 事業工作:

1、 由於累積的豐富經驗,加上敏銳的直覺,在一開年時牡羊們的事業就已然推到巔峰,今年將更能發揮創意,無論做什麼都游刃有餘,幸運星在你的合夥宮位,在執行工作計劃時,不妨多參考夥伴們的意見,體貼而謙虛的態度,工作會無往不利。

2、 下半年你的工作星進入獅子宮,享受居家生活歡樂之餘,更能在玩樂之中找到事業的靈感與工作的機會,與家人有合作事業的牡羊們也在彼此分工,合作無間的情況下,有不錯的發展或財利。

3、 自去年以來,牡羊們變得較以往更為細膩感性,在行事風格以及思維邏輯上都有截然不同的轉變,也受到貴人的提攜,年底時,事業將又可創出另一波的高峰,從事文教,藝術,新聞,公關或行銷業務的工作者,尤其表現亮麗。

★牡羊座 / 金錢財運:



3、 一向都很有前瞻性的牡羊,今年也有異常敏銳的直覺及感應力,事業夥伴,配偶,都在財務上幫得上忙,下半年你也有機會從外人處獲得錢財,像是保險理賠,贍養費或遺產之類的,也可能是慈善募款所得。

★牡羊座 / 人際朋友:

1、 今年在心靈及氣質上都有很大的轉變,擁有體貼關懷之心,能主動伸出友誼的手,你將贏得許多有學養的朋友,他們都是有才華,重視精神交流的朋友,你們的友誼可以長期穩固的發展,是能互相砥礪,鼓舞彼此上進的友人。

2、 人際魅力十足的牡羊們,今年的社交運旺盛,可以左右逢源,工作上的貴人運不錯,能受到賞識與提攜,而且在社交活動中,或是在工作交流的場合裡,說不定能找到你今生的伴侶。

3、 今年是牡羊們人際運勢相當不錯的時刻,二月份更是人氣紅不讓,良好的工作運帶來美好的桃花運,頻繁的社交活動也帶給你旺盛的財務運勢,要懂得惜福,廣結善緣才好。

★牡羊座 / 學業考運:




★牡羊座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 牡羊們今年出外奔波勞碌的機會多,雖然很有成就,不過心理的壓力是很大的,加上社交活動頻繁,應酬的機會多,要照顧好自己的腸胃,同時也要小心肝膽功能受影響。

2、 旅遊運勢良好,在異國還可能有浪漫的邂逅,而且還有著不錯的貴人運,能遇到不少工作或賺錢的機會,培養自己的社交能力去建立人脈,與外人做良性的溝通與互動是必需的。

3、 在10,11月的時候,比較不利於遠行或旅遊,因此這兩個月份必須外出的朋友要注意交通安全,最好能放慢自己的腳步,不要透支體力,工作過度才好,這兩個月的健康情形也比較不理想,因此,也不宜安排在這時候動手術。


★ 金牛座 / 整體運勢:

1、 一向勤勉務實的金牛,在新的一年裡,算是十分幸運;木星進入你的工作宮,今年的好運使你容易實踐夢想,達到目的,適合將自己最想完成的事情預先作好規劃。

2、 金牛們要特別重視人際關係,以及在工作中與夥伴們的互動情形,你必需靠著團隊合作來達成工作理想,不過於自我膨脹,要尊重專業分析,在工作與家庭之中保持平衡是很重要的,維護家庭生活和諧,保持充的精神,否則下半年身體健康就容易出問題。

3、 愛情、社交運都頗佳,對於未婚及適婚年齡的金牛是一大喜訊,值得把握,事業運也能跟著人際運提昇,好好經營人脈,年底時,單身的金牛更會有不錯的邂逅運,能譜出浪漫的戀曲,甚至步向紅毯的彼端;貴人運也相當不錯,會有得力的工作夥伴,也能認識許多對你有助益的人物。

★金牛座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 舊感情的結束與新感情的發展都要小心處理,才不會讓自己陷入兩難的地步,如果想玩一場愛情遊戲,千萬要記得兔子不吃窩邊草,給自己增加困擾,尤其不要想玩劈腿遊戲,會使得舊愛新歡都不諒解,紛紛棄你而去。

2、 上半年的感情運勢不算穩定,佔有心強烈的金牛會對伴侶有很多的約束,造成兩人之間的關係有些緊張,為了舒解工作的壓力,部份的牛兒會熱中於危險的"性"遊戲,在工作上也會有很多逢場作戲的機會,飛來豔福有時候很難消受喔!

3、 秋天之後會有愉快而穩定的感情際遇,尤其是想要成家的金牛們,要把握在工作的互動,出差旅遊以及家庭聚會的社交活動中,邂逅美麗的愛情,而且你所遇到的對象都挺有份量和社會地位的,學識工作能力都很不錯,也很有經濟實力。

★金牛座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 要多關心家人,保持與家人良好的互動,將可獲得家人的大力支援,精神上或物質上都能得到家人或另一半的支持,使得牛座的朋友可以沒有後顧之憂的衝刺事業。其實,家人都很支持你追求事業成就的企圖心,能在背後默默的協助你,然而事業壓力會使得你情緒有些焦躁,尤其在3~5月間要注意與家人的互動才好。

2、 七、八月間會有重大的家庭財務支出,也可能是購置新居或重新裝潢,九月之後你會把生活的重心多放在家人身上,你也會發現能相互扶持,有個美滿的家庭生活會是安定你事業的力量。

3、 年底的時候,家庭聚會多,家庭成員、親朋好友之間的互動頻繁,不過家中成員意見紛雜,你必須小心因應,多站在對方的角度看事情,你也會透過這些聚會認識關係你工作發展或是影響你心靈思維的重要人物。

★金牛座 / 事業工作:

1、 熱中工作,務實又認真的金牛,2005年在事業上頗有鴻圖大展的表現機會,如果能有良好的人際互動,將更使得你在工作上能得心應手,是努力打拼就有豐碩收獲的一年。

2、 會努力在職場上建立自己的風格與地位,在年初即可創下事業的高峰,上司緣佳,容易受到提拔,有昇遷或加薪的機會都要善加把握,不過下半年時會面臨許多新的挑戰及競爭。

3、 但要注意"滿招損,謙受益"的道理,在推動任何的計劃時都先多聽取夥伴們的建議,雖然可以宏圖大展,不過也要懂得規避風險,到達一個目標之後就以守成為宜,不可趁勝追擊。

★金牛座 / 金錢財運:

1、 財運頗旺,有不錯的購買力,可因事業上的擴充或發展而引發不少周邊效益,努力工作就有良好的財務收益,可以加薪晉級,偏財運也頗旺,也有很好的不動產運勢。

2、 3月,5月,7月,在財務政策上必需保守一些,雖然前一陣子賺到了錢,也看到不錯的遠景,但是也許你未能掌握很好的出手時機,以致收獲不如預期,因此,在這些月份在財務上避免重大決定,不要有重大的投資行為。

3、 良好的人際運勢會為你帶來良好的財務運勢,理財能力不錯的金牛,雖然你往往可以給他人提供良好的財務建議,但自己可能就有些患得患失的心態,所有,在今年,適合為他人作財務規劃而不是替自己理財,如此,反而可以收到不少周邊效益。

★金牛座 / 人際朋友:

1、 適合交往一些能提昇心靈層次的朋友,也適合參與一些跟宗教、社會福利、公益團體有關的活動,將會遇著不少的貴人,獲得他們的賞識,能將自己的社會形象提升。

2、 會有一些舊的關係瓦解,同時,會建立一些新的人際關係,儘量保持心境平和,不要過於固執主觀,在互動的關係中,避免先入為主的印象與成見,試著改變自己的想法去適應別人。

3、 雖然整年度裡都算是人氣鼎旺,有不錯的社交運勢,但下半年的人際互動複雜,必須小心因應,要防範誤交損友,避免遭到損友的連累或陷害。

★金牛座 / 學業考運:

1、 求學中的金牛要特別注意跟同學夥伴們保持良好的溝通,要能培養彼此的默契及分工合作的習慣去研究一些新課題,會有學習上的壓力與障礙,最好能做好有效率的讀書計劃。

2、 在學習上要注意貪多嚼不爛,在今年也會有欲速則不達的現象,保持心平氣和最為要緊,家人的支持與協助能幫你突破,所以,沒事的時候別總是往外跑,多待在家中溫習課業才好。

3、 不要因為打工或是參加太多的課外活動而影響了正課的學習,下半年是容易迷糊,學習力比較差的時候,會因自己判斷力的錯誤或是自私多疑,在小地方打轉,抓不到大方向而使得成績下滑,更重要的是要保持強健的體力與專注的耐力,才能有效的學習。

★金牛座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 今年最需要懂得獨樂樂不如眾樂樂的道理,再忙也要抽空陪伴家人才對,九月以後,跟家人的互動機會多,不妨安排全家旅遊,來建立彼此間的親蜜情感,上半年不宜安排旅遊活動,同時要注意交通意外,自行開車時要特別小心駕駛。

2、 上半年的健康運勢還算不錯,要注意流行性感冒,上呼吸道感染方面的疾病,不過,到了下半年你可就要自求多福了,要調整自己的生活形態,避免過多的應酬活動,再忙,都儘量保持良好的生活作息。

3、 今年在工作上的自我要求高,容易給自己壓力,如果你的感情生活美滿,健康情形就比較良好,對伴侶不要有太強烈的佔有心和猜忌心就能生活得愉快,尤其避免不正常的性生活,特別要注意泌尿系統的疾病。


★雙子座 / 整體運勢:

1、 對於頭腦靈活,喜歡求新求變的雙子們來說,是可以好好的大展拳腳與抱負的,在工作上你可以有更多變革與揮灑空間,但也要有冷靜理智的心情來面對許多未可知的變數。

2、 在金錢運勢上比較乏善可陳,最好能保守因應,不要有太多的投機性舉動,也不要有重大的投資舉動,經過去年的震撼教育,追錢追得緊的雙子們,今年應當有不錯的理財規劃。

3、 必須謹言慎行,才不致在無意中得罪人或替自己招惹麻煩,尤其在下半年,代表壓抑的土星進入了你的溝通宮,這告訴雙子們要看清事務的真象再發表言論。

★ 雙子座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 木星在你的戀愛宮,雙子們不妨認真的尋覓可以共度一生的伴侶,你會有很多浪漫的邂逅,可以譜出甜蜜的戀曲,而且所遇到的對象都是才華洋溢,儀表出眾的人士。

2、 你所遇到的對象都是有頭有臉能在事業上給你幫助的人,而你也喜歡結交有權勢的異性,藉由彼此的穩定關係而提昇社會地位,不過也在你既有的感情生活上投下了不小的變數。

3、 健康的感情生活將是穩定你心靈的力量,你可能會結束一段舊情並迎接新的感情,由於談戀愛的機會多,要避免在感情上搖擺不定,尤其要避免介入三角戀情或是愛上了不該愛的人,而使自己陷入痛苦難以自拔的境界。

★雙子座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 已婚的雙子們,必須把生活的重心放在努力經營事業與發展人際關係之上,如此的話,則今年的家庭運算得上是很平穩的,有可能增添子女,跟子女的互動良好,子女在學業方面的表現優異,有令人滿意的成績。

2、 上半年跟配偶的感情,時而甜蜜時而糾纏,可能因為工作上出差機會多,經常要分居兩地,會有聚少離多的現象,要保持密切的溝通,才不會讓第三者有機會趁虛而入,或是遭到別人造謠生事破壞你們的感情。

3、 兩人的關係受到考驗,下半年則會趨於穩定,多陪陪另一半,留在家裡的時間盡量多一些,多體貼和傾聽伴侶的心聲,也好彌補上半年兩人因為聚少離多,溝通不良所造成的誤會。

★雙子座 / 事業工作:

1、 今年對於聰敏的雙子而言,是極具挑戰性和開創性的一年,但是要謹慎應付許多突發狀況,避免自作聰明一意孤行,尊重夥伴的建議再配合自己的概念,是辛苦但有收獲的一年。

2、 年初工作運不錯,二月,三月以及七,八月年中的時候,不利於大動作的推展你的工作計劃,要以保守為宜,免得多做多錯,不宜轉換跑道。

3、 良好的社交運有助事業的推展,小心禍從口出講話得罪人,年底時想換跑道或是找工作的雙子們都有不錯的機遇,要學習互助,在今年雙子們工作上換跑道的很多。

★雙子座 / 金錢財運:

1、 今年從事貿易,業務性質工作的雙子們,努力工作可以開闢很多的新客戶,財源隨著你的業務能力而大有提昇。

2、 財務運勢起起伏伏,要能量入為出,3月4月5月的財運較不理想,但幸好有家人長輩可以支援你,要記得,人脈就是錢脈,廣結善緣是十分要緊的。

3、 壓力的土星,盤踞在雙子們的財宮已經好長一段日子了,相信你也從困頓緊縮中,學習到謹慎理財小心因應的道理了,好在今年已經脫離讓你最感煎熬的時刻了,年底時,隨著工作運的提昇,金錢運勢也好轉許多。

★雙子座 / 人際朋友:

1、 今年是雙子們善用溝通,學習心靈成長的一年,你會認識不少能幫助你提昇自我的友人,要能主動的釋出自己的關懷與善意,得道者多助,千萬不要心存對立,你愈關心在意別人的想法,就愈有收獲。

2、 下半年要特別注意人際關係的經營,務必謹言慎行,無心的言論就可能招非惹是,要記得,愈是進入旺運的時候,愈要謙虛應對才不會受到小人的陷害或是被人扯後腿。

3、 今年因公出差或是工作上奉派赴外地學習的機會多,也可能會出外遊學,可以認識不少的異國友人,必須先加強自己在外語的溝通能力,無論是業務或交誼都派得上用場。

★雙子座 / 學業考運:

1、 不僅是學生族的朋友在今年有不錯的的學習運勢,可以獲得交換學生或遊學的機會,就連上班族也有奉派出差參與國外研習的機會,可以努力在加強語文能力上著手,這也是擅長談判溝通的雙子們最佳的利器。

2、 要記得欲速則不達的道理,與其花費許多時間去學習一大堆的東西,或是好奇心驅使去學習自己不熟悉的科目,反而多學少精,不然也派不上用場。

3、 今年也頗適合學習關於科技資訊方面的課程,也可以學習科學的管理方法,如果有機會參加靈修,倒是能提昇自己的精神層次。

★雙子座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 除了工作忙碌造成的精神壓力要多利用時間運動來自我調適之外,沒事多陪伴家人,避免熬夜,不宜過度透支體力,以免肝功能或免疫系統失調。

2、 整年的旅遊運都不錯,工作上會有很多出差見習或外派受訓的機會,要注意交通安全,下半年也可以安排與家人一同海外旅遊,單身的雙子很可能發展異國情緣。

3、 健康運勢雖然不差,但是除了工作忙碌容易精神不濟之外,社交活動逢場作戲的機會多,要注意做好個人衛生,以免罹患生殖,泌尿系統的疾病。


★ 巨蟹座 / 整體運勢:

1、 上半年,壓力的土星仍然停留在巨蟹座,但經過這兩年的磨練,巨蟹們應該誤出了許多道理,雖然,滿懷理想抱負,不過卻也歷經挫折,能夠三思而行,凡事先訂定出具體可行的計劃,按部就班的去行動即可。

2、 下半年,要務實的面對自己的財政計劃,如果胡亂投資就會財務吃緊,因此,在今年,巨蟹們如果不懂得量入為出,就得要小心財務赤字,當然努力工作,不做無謂的浪費,是還能有穩定而細水長流的金錢收入。

3、 家庭生活尚稱美滿,雖然也有小爭執,不過在緊要關頭家人還是為你盡心盡力,而且會默默支持你的決策,要能知福惜福,至於健康上,由於心理壓力大,要特別注意免疫系統的失調,使得身體的抵抗力變差。

★巨蟹座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 重視安全感的巨蟹們,感情的發展還算順遂,已經有親蜜伴侶的巨蟹,愛人的支持是你今年度過瓶頸與壓力的精神支柱。1~4月由於你的愛情星在退行,容易患得患失的巨蟹們,會有很不安的情緒,感情生活面臨挑戰。

2、 發生愛情的機會雖然很多,不過受到愛情星長期退行的影響,不但感情生活容易生變,在穩定度上也受到考驗,而且,大都是屬於過眼雲煙似的的不切時際的戀情,若是遇到心儀之人,不要一下子陷入情網,最好能長期觀察。

3、 有可能因為工作上的互動頻繁而產生似有若無的情愫,要確定對方真的是自己的所愛,而不是因為經由工作密切接觸所產生的好感而已,巨蟹們最好不要把工作與愛情混為一談,辦公室戀情有可能妨礙工作的推展。

★巨蟹座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 今年巨蟹們的壓力仍然存在,對於一向重視安全感的巨蟹,家人的支持會扮演著相當重要的角色,是你心靈安慰與穩定的力量,不論在實質或精神上都給你鼓舞,發揮助力的。

2、 敏感脆弱的巨蟹,在今年若是有健康的感情生活,就會有良好的鬥志去面對困難,上半年由於愛情星的退行,特別要注意跟伴侶的溝通,也要注意跟家中長輩的互動,別拿工忙碌作藉口,忽略了另一半以及家人的需要。

3、 今年下半年很多巨蟹們的家庭結構會有有所改變,可能會新添家庭成員而你的甜蜜負擔也加重了,或許你必需同時照顧家中的長輩或老人家,整體而言,你的家庭生活還算和樂。

★ 巨蟹座 / 事業工作:

1、 雖然滿腹的大計劃,可惜天不從人願,能讓你大肆揮灑的空間有限,因為凡事都操之在人,尤其是在上半年之時,想要有表現,可能得看人臉色行事才行。

2、 靠口舌取勝或從事業務性質工作的巨蟹們,只要勤於溝通聯絡客戶,放低姿態爭取你的空間,你誠懇勤快的敬業精神,將為你贏得不錯的業績及金錢入。

3、 除非你是專業人士,否則,事業易有無法突破瓶頸的困擾,不過在今年,你的家人,長輩,尤其是配偶或工作夥伴,將是你最大的資產及資源,而且他們都會助你一臂之力的,在今年你勢必無法單打獨鬥,必須靠著團體發揮力量。

★巨蟹座 / 金錢財運:

1、 除了專業人士以及勤快的業務工作者,可能有著不錯的財務收獲,金錢周轉運勢還算不錯之外,巨蟹們在理財的規劃上,必須謹慎因應,做好長遠的投資計劃,否則,許多意料不到的支出,會讓你感受到沉重的壓力。

2、 1~4月財務較顯壓力,必須量入為出,不宜冒險投機,5~7月的收入漸呈穩定,年底之時才會漸入佳境,十一月時小有偏財,要能掌握正確的投資資訊。

3、 很幸運的是,家人或伴侶都會支持你的財務計劃,不過要想財運亨通,除了掌握資訊正確,還必須要靠團隊合作,溝通能力強,社交能力佳的巨蟹就有機會勝出,千萬不要離群索居,孤立自己,要想辦法從別人口袋裡挖鈔票。

★ 巨蟹座 / 人際朋友:

1、 在今年,蟹子們有些身不由己,很多事務的主導權,都掌握在別人手裡,讓巨蟹們頗為有志難伸,心裡十分鬱抑,若是,一昧的退縮會更加無法成事,愈是有障礙,愈要鼓起勇氣主動出擊,展現你的實力,走出你的象牙塔,多爭取別人的支持與認同。

2、 下半年的社交運比較活絡,對於財運與社交運劃上等號的巨蟹而言,人脈即是錢脈,無論你願不願意,都要努力經營你的人際關係,多參與社交活動。

3、 很多事情無法操之在我,更要懂得妥協的藝術,不宜一意孤行,尊重他人的想法與看法,多參考別人的建議,善於經營團隊的巨蟹們,今年才會在事業上得心應手,有亮麗的演出。

★巨蟹座 / 學業考運:

1、 年初能有機會往國外旅遊,給自己充充電,可以讓你獲得不少心智上的啟發,在觀念或認知上慢慢的轉變,也有機會接觸一些宗教或靈修的洗禮,潛移默化你的心靈、想法與氣質。

2、 有不錯的學習運勢,專注在你一向喜愛或擅長的科目,能有非常傑出的表現,今年頗適合參加遊學或短期進修來加強自己的專業實力,也可以嚐試去學習一些你平時不曾接觸,或是並不專精的科目,也有不錯的收獲。

3、 比較要注意的是與同學們的溝通方式,不要過於尖銳或處處挑剔,計較一些小細節,多參加一些社團活動,讓大家有認識瞭解你的機會,保持和靄親切的態度,主動跟同學彼此交換心得,將使學習之路更順利。

★ 巨蟹座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 由於受許多壓力瓶頸,使的巨蟹們的心境十分抑鬱,忙碌加上勞多獲少,以致於健康情況不是很理想,容易精神緊張退縮,若是作息不夠正常,就會引發肝功能或是腎功能出問題,必須加以調適,用運動來紓解壓力,而不是暴飲暴食或三餐當作一餐吃。

2、 對於感情生活要抱著正確的態度,健康的感情生活才會帶給你愉悅的身心靈,多跟家人保持良好的互動,一隻孤獨的蟹子是無法快樂得起來的,但也不能過於濫情,沉迷於危險的"性"遊戲,或是工作上經常憋尿,那樣還會引起泌尿科的毛病。

3、 今年出外的旅遊機會不多,有的話,也會是短期或近距離的活動,二月,八月有較佳的外出運,不妨安排出去走走,給自己來一趟充電及紓壓之旅,不然就週末假日約三五好友喝咖啡聊是非,既可連絡感情同時也可以散散心,增強抗壓力。


★獅子座 / 整體運勢:

1、 心緒變化十分明顯的一年,無論在工作或感情上,都將截然不同,會替自己訂定許多的標準,善用良好的人際關係,能使獅子們在工作或進財上都有良好表現。

2、 獅子們今年一如往常的衝刺,不過在下半年時土星將入主獅宮,獅子們工作量加重,雖然機會多但壓力也隨之而來,因此在下半年要特別注重身體的保健,在精神上作妥善的調適,來因應可能發生的變數。

3、 上半年的感情世界多彩多姿,外務應酬還滿多的,一向不喜歡被約束的獅子,可能只想談一場浪漫的戀愛,還沒有安定下來的打算,已婚的獅子忙著工作, 跟另一半可能聚少離多,家居生活大致還算平靜。

★獅子座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 在感情上可能有一見鍾情式的浪漫際遇,獅子們也許只是想感受一下戀愛的氣氛,並不見得能培養出穩固的感情基礎,主觀強,自我意識高漲的獅子,很容易跟愛人發生爭執,不可意氣用事而破壞了兩人之間的和諧。

2、 有些未婚的獅子在愛情的路途上容易迷失自己,想要遊戲人間一番,其實,不必急著找一個靠岸的港口,或降低標準去尋求短暫的慰藉來麻痺自己,小心無法善後,必需要用理智好好的判斷處理,尤其是獅子座的女性。

3、 不要意氣用事或是用漫不經心的態度,把大好的對象推出門外,小心會遭人橫刀奪愛,想結婚的獅子在7~9月會有不錯良緣,要把握機會,年底之時會有更穩定成熟的發展。

★獅子座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 別把工作情緒帶回家中,或是回家總是談公事,這樣會讓伴侶對你很不諒解,雖然居生活大抵上還算是不錯,但要提防一些小爭執互不相讓而影響了夫妻的感情。

2、 會特別在意個人的隱私,希望伴侶能在婚姻生活裡給你充分自由的空間,這樣會讓另一半很不解和不安,必須要妥善表達你的心意,可別為了想要享受短暫歡愉,而心生外騖破壞家庭和諧。

3、 十月底歲星將進入家庭宮,你可能會為家人添購許多設備,也可能購置新居讓家人有更大的活動空間,或是你們家中也可能有新成員來報到,親子間的互動將更為頻繁且溫馨。

★ 獅子座 / 事業工作:

1、 需要發揮創意,口才以及具備良好情緒管理的獅子,在上半年的時候工作運勢良好,能夠得心應手,尤其是從事文教,公關或是廣告行銷業者,會有較佳的賺錢機會。

2、 趁著上半年工作運旺,準備充分的獅子可以好好衝刺,工作上的貴人運不錯,能受到賞識與提攜,也有很好的升遷機運,要努力爭取,下半年事業會面臨很大的變化與轉機,責任與壓力會造成獅子們的信心危機,會想得多做得少。

3、 雖然事業上有放手一搏的大好機會,但是團隊運作以及充分合作是很重要的,不過,參與合作事業的獅子,與合作夥伴間的關係有可能生變,必須要加以提防與注意。

★獅子座 / 金錢財運:

1、 賺錢的運勢還算不錯,大多數來自工作所得,合作夥伴也會意外帶給你賺錢的機會,理財策略不宜過於主觀,貿然的投資,要多參考夥伴們的意見。

2、 會花很多心思去研究如何賺錢,5~11月的財務運勢最佳,好好的規劃投資理財以及訂定工作目標付諸實行,是能有所收獲,但要隨時審視調整自己的方向。

3、 年初之時比較沒有偏財,不宜有投機理財的舉動,年底之時雖然財務運勢轉旺,但是金錢收入有延滯的現象,可能收到的票據不少,從事營建或不動產買賣的獅子有不錯的獲利

★獅子座 / 人際朋友:

1、 獅子座過於強勢和主觀的性格,在經營友情上會是一個致命傷,要想建立良好的關係,得要放低身段迎合別人,不可過於自負或自以為是,獅子們要表現得謙虛、低調一些才好。

2、 四月下旬之後,工作上外出的機會多,會認識不少異國人士或是外地的友人,而從工作的互動之中,以你準確的判斷力,以及良好的溝通能力,也有機會結識有財力的重量級朋友。

3、 除了要尊重工作夥伴的意見,也要充分發揮團隊精神,人際運勢將決定你的事業及財務運,合作關係有可能生變,或是工作團隊有可能改組,與夥伴們的互動如何將是關鍵。

★ 獅子座 / 學業考運:

1、 學習運勢時好時壞,考運上有個特點,有時會得很高分,有時候會考的其爛無比,更糟的是,有唸到的未必會考出來,最好能在上課時注意劃重點。

2、 企圖心雖然很強,但是外騖太多會讓獅子們在學習上分心,3~5月有不錯的學習運,會花很多心力專注在研習上,而且能抓住重點,會有不錯的成績。

3、 有些獅子們喜歡挑戰不可能的任務,選擇了許多超過自己能力範圍的東西來研讀,十分辛苦,也讓你產生信心危機,你會發現自己走了岔路,下半年,很多獅子會選擇轉學或轉系。

★ 獅子座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 獅子們今年的交際應酬多,要小心肝腎方面的病變,或是一些併發症,獅子們也要注意激情所產生的後遺症,尤其是女獅們,別太流連夜店之類的聲色場所。

2、 過度縱慾會消耗精力使你變得消沉,尤其下半年容易遇到工作上的瓶頸與壓力,使你心緒失衡,要正視問題,過正常的居家生活,才能建立自信並保持健康。

3、 今年上半年旅遊運不錯,外出奔走的機會也多,由於事務多常讓你心緒不寧,要特別注意交通意外和運動傷害,在骨骼牙齒方面容易出毛病。


★ 處女座 / 整體運勢:

1、 在專業領域工作的處女們,將有很多揮灑的空間,不過喜歡吹毛求疵的個性,會讓你遭受到很多來自同儕的反彈,要學習妥協的藝術以及談判溝通的技巧。

2、 由於天王星進駐合夥婚姻關係的宮位,會有突然而至的戀情,也可能會出現婚姻的危機,你會嚮往無拘無束的感情生活,也許你的愛情觀也會變得很另類罷。

3、 由於一向頗重視養生,健康的運勢還算不錯,今年頗適合參與靈修的課程來沉澱自己的心緒,放鬆緊繃的神經,做人保持彈性,注意你的表達方式,人際關係做得好就會感覺諸事順遂。
★處女座 /愛情桃花:

1、 天王星落入你的愛情宮,等於給你的感情生活放了一顆不定時炸彈,你愈來愈渴望有個穩定的感情歸宿,不過老天爺卻要考驗你的耐性與智慧,缺乏安全感的處女們,要試著多給對方一些空間,不要事事都想插手去約束他。

2、 其實,今年的愛情以及社交生活還滿多彩多姿,機會多,但不見得有結果,至少在上半年你都處於尋尋覓覓的狀態中,你可能遇見許多精明,但是思想很另類的夥伴。

3、 渴望愛情卻波折重重,你也可能產生很另類的愛情觀,愛上的對象也不一定是中規中矩,朋友會對你重色輕友的態度嗤之以鼻,到了年底才可能真正出現你的意中人。

★ 處女座 /家庭婚姻:

1、 家庭意外變故多,家中成員相處不融洽,要試著多關心家人的想法,無論是跟兄弟姐妹,或是跟父母親都要保持良好的溝通。

2、 在今年,夫妻之間的相處氣氛也不算太融洽,充滿了山雨欲來風滿樓的感覺,如果不用心經營,找出兩人之間的問題癥結,有可能正在逐漸的蘊釀婚姻危機。

3、 你的家庭宮與婚姻宮都有長期星坐守,在這幾年中也許會有異於往常的另類婚姻愛情觀,不過,別陶醉在偶然的邂逅裡迷失了自己的心智,你們倆是否能同心協力,彼此包容,也將是影響婚姻感情產生變數的重要原因。

★處女座 /事業工作:

1、 常有換跑道的念頭,今年的事業運勢不算是很穩定,因此不要輕舉妄動,心裡的很多想法先分析其可行性,再去研究訂定實施計劃,朝著既定的目標前進,你仍然會有很好的表現空間。

2、 在今年學習妥協,心態上不可過於自私自利,多站在對方的角度思考,具備利他精神行事風格能有彈性的處女們,尤其是從事需要溝通談判技巧的工作者,會發現有很多有利的機會出現。

3、 你所展現出來的行事風格以及溝通能力將決定你的事業運勢是否順利,部分形象佳的處女們在上半年有升遷或加薪的可能,事業會有貴人提攜,得要好好經營人脈。

★處女座 /金錢財運:

1、 精明的處女們善用你敏銳的觀察力,可以找到不錯的工作搭檔或事業夥伴,能從交易中賺到不少錢,財務運勢還算是不錯的,你的財務運勢建立在良好的團隊默契之中。

2、 除了合作夥伴能協助你賺到錢,你的另一半在今年也帶財,讓你的財務運勢更旺,別忘了多拿一些金錢去回饋家人,以彌補你忙著工作沒法子陪伴照顧他們的遺憾。

3、 營建、金融、航運以及高科技類的投資也能帶給你不錯的獲利,也有不錯的不動產運,可以購屋置產,如果有多餘的錢可以從事不動產的交易,可以從中獲利,7~10月時偏財運也不錯。

★ 處女座 /人際朋友:

1、 你的專業形象會為你在工作夥伴或是社群朋友之中樹立一定的地位,能夠發揮你的影響力,也可藉機穩固或拓展你的人脈,要試著多一分善意,少一些挑剔和計較,才可讓你真正的融入朋友圈子。

2、 今年與家人的互動比較不夠親蜜,兄弟姐妹之間也可能意見不合而有口舌之爭, 社交生活雖然忙祿,但是處女們真正心繫的是能不能有浪漫的邂逅,會讓朋友對你很不以為然。

3、 在工作場所或社交場合經常會遇到談得來的朋友,彼此之間也容易產生似有若無的情愫,但是不太可能發展出正式的戀情,對於陌生的新朋友可以用輕鬆自然的方式與他們交往,不要讓人認為你過於現實或是只想操控對方才好。

★處女座 /學業考運:

1、 十月以後會有很多進修機會,4~6月也有很多的在學術方面的交流活動,很多處女們會追求更高層次的資歷或學問,這段時期你的考運也頗佳,只要稍加努力,在高等學府修習的朋友不難通過認證考試的。

2、 下半年更需要具備沉潛的定力,可以多看一些勵志或修養心性的書籍,來穩定自己紛亂的心緒,或者去參與從事一些提昇心智能力的活動來改善起伏不定的運勢。

3、 要注意跟同學保持良好的互動,才不致被孤立而沒能得到同學的支援與協助你取得更多資訊,也不要因為忙於外騖而無法專心,家庭跟朋友的影響也會讓你心情浮躁,不能定下心來努力用功。

★處女座 /健康旅遊:

1、 上半年的旅遊運還算不錯,但是下半年則不宜,打算旅遊,留學,遊學或移民的處女們得趁著上半年來進行,尤其以4~6月會是最佳的時機。

2、 出公差公務旅行的機會多,社交活動亦很頻繁,比校要注意交通意外的發生,還有足部的保健,其實一向注重保養的處女們健康運勢並不差,應該說,在追求愛情的心態健康的話,你的身體也會健康,你的毛並大都是心病。

3、 在3、4、7、10月的時候,比較需要留意心血管疾病或是上呼吸道的感染,以及牙齒或骨骼方面的問題,多運動,往郊外走走,做幾趟森呼吸都可改善。


★ 天秤座 / 整體運勢:

1、 對於秤子來說,家庭的地位和工作同樣重要,有快樂的家庭生活,才會有良好的工作績效,必須多關注家人,與家人保持良好的互動,瞭解他們的需要,不要因為工作壓力影響心情,變得有些喜怒無常,造成彼此之間關係緊繃。

2、 和諧的感情會帶來事業的成功,未婚的秤子在今年感情的變數多,情緒也跟著起伏,必需跟情人之間達成共識,培養互信的基礎,過於專注在感情生活,患得患失的心情會讓你無心工作。

3、 財務運勢還算穩定,仍然要量入為出,不要有太強烈的物質慾望,部份理財不當的秤子會追錢追得很辛苦,保持好心情就有好健康,下半年的身體健康情況較佳。

★天秤座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 未婚的秤子雖然有很多感情的邂逅,不過在今年可別強求一定要有什麼好結果,很可能都屬於一閃而逝的戀情,難以保持長長久久的熱度,別在心裡存有太浪漫的幻想。

2、 心理健康才能用務實的態度去經營感情,而感情生活的愉快與否也影響著秤子的健康,秤子們在今年工作上的互動會擦撞出愛的火花,有可能來得快去得快,若是心臟不夠強,不要輕易談戀愛,以免傷心又傷身。

3、 社交活躍的秤子,若是把愛情當兒戲,就要小心吃苦頭,但是真心相愛的秤子仍然通得過考驗,4月,7月,9~12月,你的感情生活出現變數的機率都很高,有人分手,但也有人結婚。

★ 天秤座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 已婚的秤子,家庭運勢還算和諧,夫妻倆的感情不錯,在今年秤子們的事業起伏大,一向重視庭生活的你,有良好的家居生活才有良好的事業成就,兩者是相輔相成的。

2、 難耐七年之癢的秤子,也有很多發展婚外情的機會,要記得兔子不吃窩邊草的原則,如果發生辦公室戀情很快就會見光死的,就算你的道行高超,地下情也可能曝光,還是老實一點的好。

3、 財務偶爾會有吃緊的時候,配偶這時候能發揮救火隊的功能,和諧感情會帶來事業財運,在4月,7月的時候,婚姻生活會面臨考驗,別意氣用事鬧到分手才好。

★天秤座 / 事業工作:

1、 今年秤子會事業家庭兩頭忙,必需感情與事業兼顧才行,配偶對你的事業及財務都有很大的助力,想要事業順利,先要把家庭經營好,跟工作夥伴保持良好的互動也非常有助工作的成長。

2、 在今年,良好的溝通會帶給秤子很多賺錢的機會,所以就算你有什麼創意或新的計畫,最好先讓夥伴們給你一些建議,不要固執己見做出錯誤的決策。

3、 不過在今年,秤子們工作的穩定度並不高,常有想轉換跑道的念頭,最好是稍安勿躁,謀定而後動,六月會是你事業表現最佳的時刻,尤其是從事創意工作,資訊工作,以及高科技產業的秤子,會見到很多財源。

★ 天秤座 / 金錢財運:

1、 懂得運用溝通技巧,從談判中得妥協,能為秤子帶來良好的財務運勢,三月下旬到四月底,以及六月至七月,是社交運十分良好的時期,尤其是從事寫作,或是經商的秤子會因良好的溝通技巧而獲得更佳的利益。

2、 會有來自配偶或親蜜夥伴的財務支援,讓你度過財務狀況較不穩定的時候,5~7月要能量入為出,財務會有些吃緊,理財計劃要特別謹慎,不要貪小失大。

3、 九月之後,財務運勢又將上揚,不過購物要有原則及限度,不宜揮霍,你的投資計劃可能得不到家人的支持,朋友找你投資要審慎評估,儘量不要跟朋友有過多的金錢往來,以免損及友情。

★天秤座 / 人際朋友:

1、 社交運勢佳,能認識許多可以交心的朋友,或是精神夥伴,也能在工作或社交場合中遇見心儀之人,良好的溝通帶來良好的財運,並且人際關係的和諧也會為你帶來健康。

2、 不僅愛情,婚姻受到考驗,在4月,7月,9~11月時,你的友情也要經歷考驗,要注意自己言語上的失誤,無意中傷害到彼此的情誼,老朋友可能翻臉。

3、 與朋友們的互動頻繁,能為你在工作或財務上帶來正面的影響,但是外騖太多也會影響你和家人之間的關係,要抽出時間和家人相處,讓家人跟你的朋友有機會共處的話,氣氛將更融洽。

★ 天秤座 / 學業考運:

1、 良好的學習態度,使秤子們在處理課業問題上更是左右逢源,能得到師長們的賞識與協助,表現傑出,已在社會工作的秤子們,也可以替自己安排一些學習的短期課程,來增加自己的專業能力,有助於你在職場上爭取更好的位置。

2、 5~7月的考試運不錯,只要按部就班的研習,準備你的課業,都能夠得心應手獲得好成績,如果能在此時替自己安排一些遊學計劃或是學習異國文化,認識異國友人,都是明智的抉擇。

3、 九月之後新的學期開始,也可以去聽聽演講,參與一些心靈成長的課程,澈底的改變一下自己的觀念想法,也可以去看看畫展,跟朋友交換心得,做一番腦力激盪,也能激發許多新的創意與靈感,藝術科系的秤子會有很傑出的表現。

★ 天秤座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 雖然健康運勢大抵上還不錯,但是事業家庭兩頭忙,容易精神緊張和疲於奔波,要避免過於疲勞所引發的疾病,不要經常讓家人為你傷腦筋,或是總跟家人唱反調,保持心情愉快,就有健康的身體。

2、 工作上出差的機會多,社交活動也頻繁,出入公共場所的機會多,要注意呼吸道的感染,像是流行性感冒之類的疾病,也要避免飲酒過量,造成肝膽的負擔。

3、 外出的運勢頗佳,但是在今年不宜遠遊,做些短程的旅遊活動或是來個心靈大少除即可,下半年的健康運更佳,但要注意足部的保養,若是想要安排一趟遠行,去遊學或純旅遊來放鬆心情,年中六、七月的時候是最佳時機。

★ 2005年星座運勢解析~★天蠍座

★ 天蠍座 / 整體運勢:

1、 雖然滿懷理想與熱情,但是處於一個是非紛亂的時期,事業如果能堅守崗位,務實的經營,在必須與人合夥時要認清狀況,不宜胡亂的投資自己不懂的領域,則今年在工作上可能會有出色的表現。

2、 感情生活多彩多姿,會有很多的邂逅,但大都無法結成正果,蠍子們有些三心二意,面對諸多的對象卻拿不定主意,還是別自尋煩惱的好,否則,會予人玩世不恭的印象,真正遇見心儀之人時,就會讓你錯失機會。

3、 健康上的整體運勢在下半年時要比上半年差,大量的工作除了造成肉體的疲累,也會帶給蠍子們不小的精神壓力,會熱中於金錢遊戲,積極的追求財物,但要記得施比受有福,多做善事,多施捨,在無形中累積並提昇能量。

★天蠍座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 今年的感情生活很容易發生變數,無論已婚或未婚的蠍子,都像飛蛾撲火般的追求愛情,有學識及財富地位的人士很吸引你,容易有一見鍾情的感際遇,要記得速食愛情,在雙方認識不清狀況下衝動的結合,是一樁危險的事。

2、 會有很多談戀愛的機會,容易有辦公室戀情,使得你有些三心二意,可別玩劈腿的遊戲,這樣會引起許多的紛爭與誤解,雖然,在今年多半談的是無疾而終的短暫戀情,但要認真把握機會去覓得條件優秀,能心意相屬的伴侶也並非不可能。

3、 在社交活動中可以結識有助你事業發展的異性,彼此互相吸引而成為情人,也有舊情復燃的現象,也會認識很多長相出色,舉止高雅的朋友,你也務必維持優雅的風範,多行善事,參與公益活動,你也有機會認識與你惺惺相惜的伴侶,4~5月,7~8月間,這樣的機率更高。

★ 天蠍座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 家庭的運勢不錯,家中的成員都很上進,努力追求成就,彼此之間還能相互支援,但是彼此的個性都強,爭執也經常發生,為了舒解壓力,緩和家庭氣氛,給家裡添購一些可以共同娛樂的設備也是智舉。

2、 注意婚姻的和諧,容易因理財觀念而跟配偶鬧意見,而且也會有許多外來的桃色誘因,會挑戰你的定力,今年有些悶騷的蠍子外騖頗多,遇到的對手條件又頗令人心動,但是婚外情的下場,將使得夫妻的感情生變,尤其是5~8月的這股狂潮更容易讓你滅頂,若有任何舉動,都要三思而行。

3、 今年的婚姻感情可說是吉處藏凶,火星異常的長時間停留在你的婚姻宮,熱情洋溢是感情昇溫的推手,只要不用錯對象倒也不見得妨礙你的婚姻生活,忠誠心反而是比較重要的。

★天蠍座 / 事業工作:

1、 今年無論是感情,事業或是金錢運勢,都有很大的起伏變化,可以說感情生活帶給你許多衝刺的動能,但是過度沉溺在情慾世界也會影響你追求事業的專注力,若因不正常的感情發展造成事業的損失是很不值得的。

2、 上半年,尤其是1~4月,是一個觀望,部署與仔細規劃的蘊釀時期,不要盲目衝刺或是胡亂投資,先做好協調與溝通的工作,在下半年你會有很多的機會,但也有許多的壓力,責任重大,會遭到不同的挑戰,也會面臨許多瓶頸有待你去突破。

3、 由於火星超乎異常的停留在你的合夥宮位,表示企圖心旺勝的蠍子在工作上是須要足夠的緩衝與協調的,多站在對方的立場想,凡事稍安勿躁,多一些寬容的心,改變自己要比改變別人來得容易得多,同時,要小心合夥關係容易生變,如果沒有經過深思熟率,不要貿然展開合夥計劃。

★ 天蠍座 / 金錢財運:

1、 火星帶給你的衝刺精神,加上守護星長駐財宮,基本上蠍子們的金錢運不算太差的,甚至有抱發的機會,只是野心太大,加上容易浮躁,財務運勢不見得穩定,在追求財富時,不要貪多追高,也可能判斷錯誤而因小失大。

2、 魯莽的態度會造成財物的意外損失,你的理財觀念會跟伴侶大不相同,容易為了財務而跟配偶或夥伴翻臉,有時候,適時的對別人伸出援手,反而有助於提升自己的財運。

3、 熱中於金錢遊戲的蠍子,下半年會更積極的營財,年底時是你財運最旺的時候,其實,在今年蠍子們最適合花一些錢財來改變自身的形象,或提昇心靈境界,把賺到的錢贊助給公益或慈善團體,將使得你更受敬重,同時,也透過參與這些活動使你認識對你事業財富有加分效果的人士。

★天蠍座 / 人際朋友:

1、 今年,蠍子們的社交活絡,要記得,社交運勢的好壞,將決定你事業的成敗,會遇到強勁的對手,如何話干戈為玉帛,考驗著你的智慧與能耐,無私的心,多為他人著想,任何難纏的事務都可以迎刃而解。

2、 下半年火星長踞在你的合夥宮位,表示你可能遇著強勢的工作夥伴,或是合作關係容易生變,會有糾紛爭執,你要試著改變自己的價值觀,培養團隊的默契,理性的處理分岐的意見。

3、 一些很有學識與社會地位又多金的人士,會很令蠍子們心儀,也亟欲結識這樣的友人,你可能藉著工作上互動的機會,跟他們建立友誼,透過參與宗教活動或公益慈善團體,你也能認識提昇心靈層次的朋友。

★ 天蠍座 / 學業考運:

1、 天蠍座細心又努力的個性,只要把讀書的時間作平均妥善的分配,就能順利的通過考試,不過,今年你可能會對於一些冷僻的科目感興趣,爭強好勝加上標新立異的心理,會給自己很多壓力,準備考試也花費很多時間,要小心慘遭滑鐵盧。

2、 下半年在學習上的壓力將可解除,但是,蠍子們今年會熱中於發展感情事件,別為了經營那些沒有結果的戀情而荒廢了學業,要用健康的心態去參加社團活動,那樣你將因結識優秀的朋友而改變的自身的氣質。

3、 6~10月是學習運勢最佳的時候,頗適合參與一些遊學活動,或是去補習班上課學得專長,或是透過網路的遠距離教學,都能讓蠍子們獲益良多,也可以去參與一些靈修的課程,改變自己的想法與氣質。

★ 天蠍座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 今年蠍子們會投注很多的心力在追求財富與事業成就,因此也會給自己帶來很大的壓力,情緒的掌控十分要緊,得失心不要看得太重,保持健康的身體才有能力在事業上衝刺,要放慢工作的腳步,生活起居要正常,並且要養成運動的習慣。

2、 在年中之時雖然有不錯的出國機會,不過在今年蠍子們並不適合外出發展或是做遠遊的計劃,比較適合從事一些靜態的活動來陶冶身心,不妨利用假日參觀一些藝文活動或是藝術品的鑑賞研習,可以讓你腦力激盪,揮灑出許多的創意。

3、 下半年在工作上的壓力更勝於上半年,在外奔波與人交涉的機率更為頻繁,要特別注意上呼吸道,腎臟,泌尿系統或生殖器官的感染。

★ 2005年星座運勢解析~★射手座

★ 射手座 / 整體運勢:




★射手座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 社交活絡,愛情生活愉快,有可能在工作場所或是在家人聚會的場合之中,認識可以交往的戀愛對象,機會出現的時候有可多得讓你無從選擇,感情運勢的複雜會讓射手們左右為難。

2、 射手們在今年有很大的空間及自由去經營自己的社交圈,沒有伴侶的射手也可以享受一下自由自在的樂趣,或追逐工作及學習上的成就,今年沒有很強的戀愛運,正確的說,應該是事業愛情難兩全,重心放在自我成長的追求,會比較有收獲。

3、 如果射手們想要發展長久的愛情關係,你可能要收拾你那善變飄忽的心,感情要專一,多培養兩人之間的默契,並控制好自己耳根子軟,容易受到撩撥就發火鬧情緒的毛病,否則你們的二人世界是很經不起考驗的。

★ 射手座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 已婚的射手們要認真看待你的家庭問題,因為象徵突變的天王星要停留在你的家庭宮好一段時間,因此,可說是家運多事之秋,跟家人容易起爭執,要收拾起你的情緒,多忍讓並了解問題的癥結,才不會擴大彼此的裂痕。

2、 人際運十分旺盛的射手,在今年會有很多的感情際遇,要記得拿捏分寸,不要經不起朋友的慫恿或是情色的誘惑,陷入意亂情迷的境界,如果你因豔遇而迷失了自我,就可能會毀了一個美滿和樂的家庭。

3、 社交生活生活頻繁,經常心繫事業與朋友,加上你善變的情緒化作為,會使得另一半對你的冷熱無常感到沒有保障失去信心,種下婚姻感情生變的因素,你若是沒有耐性與誠意去化解另一半心裡的不安,很可能婚姻感情會破滅的。

★射手座 / 事業工作:

1、 今年的重心就是工作,你的守護星來到了事業的宮位,你會致力於追求工作上的成就,是能一分耕耘一分收獲的,但是別好高騖遠,必須充實自己的實力,工作上若是不在意頭銜或位階的高低,你反而會在金錢上有較佳的收益,4~5月之時,你會有很多新的工作機會出現,但請務必三思而行。

2、 年初之時,企圖心旺盛蓄勢待發的射手們,必須要稍安勿躁,1~3月最好將你的計劃重新審視一番,逐步的去做重點布署,四月之後你就可以放手的推展,並且有不錯的成果。

3、 不要因為忙祿就疏於經營人脈或充實自己的實力,在跟不同的組群互動之中,你會收集到不少有用的業務資訊來拓展你的工作範圍,你也會經由努力的表現結識許多對你事業有益的朋友,你可以展現絕佳的人際魅力,並且貴人運相當不錯。

★射手座 / 金錢財運:

1、 在事業上努力衝刺開創版圖的手們,你會在事業上豐收,並且給自己帶來財運,不過今年的人際往返,社交酬酢都很頻繁,向來大方的射手們若是手頭太鬆,也可能存不了很多的錢,所以,還是得要量入為出,多儲蓄才是上策。

2、 今年的財務運勢隨著事業版圖的擴大而有許多業務收入,但是應收款可能會有延滯的情形,下半年的財務運勢要優於上半年,不過,今年會遭遇很多情色誘惑的射手們,要小心因色破財,尤其是在6、8、12這幾個月更要小心防範情色陷阱。

3、 善用你敏銳的觀察力來分散投資風險,靠著創意賺錢的射手們,別固步自封,要多跟外界接觸來激發你的靈感與創意,你的財務正源自於你不枯歇的創意,樂善好施的射手們,也要多注意跟親朋好友之間不要牽扯複雜的財務關係,以免感情交惡。

★ 射手座 / 人際朋友:

1、 今年射手們的事業運以及財務運勢,除了你的個人才華與魅力之外,善於經營團隊也是影響你成就發展的重點,必須要有良好的團隊互動,以培養彼此之間的默契。

2、 要注意自己的溝通方式,並且要有良好的耐性,尤其是在經營人脈及感情時,千萬不要自以為是,雖然你在團隊之中是舉足輕重的角色,過於驕矜自滿,容易受到煽動是你的致命傷,意氣用事的結果是會讓親者痛仇者快的。

3、 情緒掌控良好善於溝通的射手們,今年在社交場合中是十分活絡的,能左右逢源,並且結識許多能帶給你事業機會的朋友,在你為事業築基時,會有很多來自朋友的助力,貴人運相當旺。

★ 射手座 / 學業考運:

1、 不論是學生或是上班族的射手們,在充滿變化的年代裡,努力充實自己的專業能力,以及追求更高的學歷都是必需的,今年有瓶頸待突破,自然更要及早著手進行自己的學習計劃。

2、 下半年工作上會有很多出差遠行的機會,也頗適合安排遊學計劃,赴國外觀察異國的風俗民情,結識異國友人,並學習外語以利於和他們更進一步的溝通,同時也可以藉以提昇自我形象,或是向外延伸你的事業領域。

3、 受到行星交互影響,感情運勢發展複雜的射手們,千萬不要本末倒置,投入過多的團體活動,以至影響了自己該有的表現,尤其是學生們在加入社團活動時,要考慮到是否活動太多會影響到自己正常學習,或是只顧享受談戀愛的浪漫感受而忘了學業發展。

★ 射手座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 如果想要的話,上半年可能有較多的機會參與國內的短程旅遊,下半年因公出差的機會多,旅遊運更為順利,7~9月旅遊運最旺,比較有機會遠行或赴國外旅遊或是參與海外遊學活動。

2、 基本上健康運並無大礙,但射手們勇於冒險率性而為的舉動,往往會給自身帶來許多意外傷害,運動之前要有足夠的暖身,並且不要過度縱情於酒色,就能維持穩固的健康狀態。

3、 保持樂觀豁達的心,多關心家人,過正常的家居生活,跟家人的關係親密,就可以免去許多讓你情緒失控的困擾,要避免熬夜和煙酒不離手或是恤咖啡成癮,那麼,頭痛,血壓異常,消化系統或是泌尿系統的毛病就不會找上你了。


★魔羯座 / 整體運勢:

1、 由於冥王星長期駐守你心靈的宮位,摩羯們會給自己心境上不少的壓力,像是追求自我成長、自我挑戰,與同儕的競爭或是跟家人的溝通不順暢,都會讓你感到緊張和憂慮。

2、 由於前兩年魔羯們的表現十分亮眼,在今年能夠持盈保泰就很不錯了,如果沒有長遠的計劃與財務上的實力,不要貿然追高,擴充自己的信用以及事業版圖。

3、 家庭,愛情,婚姻生活的經營是魔羯們今年要努力的重心,家庭生活穩定,社交生活保持良好互動,多利用時間涉獵不同領域的知識,來增強工作優勢,自己的表達力也有待加強,做人要保留彈性空間,子女運勢還不錯,能跟子女於或晚輩愉快相處。明年我的運勢能由谷底向上爬升嗎?

★ 魔羯座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 今年的社交運仍然頗為活絡,魔羯們也會積極的追求愛情,已經有穩定戀愛對象的,只要保持良好的溝通,感情可望穩定的發展,至於還沒找到另一半的孤家寡人,請努力加強自己的表達能力,如果拙於表白,就很難在感情上有突破性的發展。

2、 仍然會有很多浪漫的邂逅,但多半是乏善可陳的戀情,就算遇到可以發展的對象,魔羯們最終還是會以務實的考量為主,因此,雙方一旦要進入較為親密的關係時,魔羯就會開始緊張,有很多安全感上的顧慮,以致讓對方認為你的誠意不夠或是過於冷淡,無法產生共鳴。

3、 要多給自己一些信心,適度的打扮自己,修飾儀表,主動釋出善意,別因為一些小挫折而氣餒,同時要弄清楚,到底自己只是想要逢場作戲,紓解一下緊繃的情緒,或是想要以結婚為目的的長遠愛情,在沒有弄清楚之前,不要輕易的做出決定,女性朋友尤其要過濾自己的交往對象,以免感情受傷害或是有煩惱。

★魔羯座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 前兩年魔羯們的感情運勢不錯,因此,已有穩固愛情基礎的魔羯,是有機會步入結婚禮堂結束單身生活的,只不過在今年的婚姻感情容易有爭執,兩人的互信度面臨考驗,必須要小心處理跟另一半的爭端,要懂得相互尊重與包容。

2、 今年在事業上雖然仍然可以創下佳績,不過,家庭,愛情與婚姻才是你最該關心和經營的重點,夫妻之間會因誤會而產生心結,不要把問題悶在心裡不跟對方溝通,有些運氣不好的魔羯們,小心發生家庭暴力事件,不要任性的把分手的話語掛在嘴邊。

3、 家庭生活仍然有美滿愉快的一面,尤其是親子間的互動十分良好,也有可能家中有新成員來報到,是生兒育女的好時機,但是並非沒有隱憂,許多長期潛伏著的問題,也可能在今年浮出檯面。

★ 魔羯座 / 事業工作:

1、 事業上能夠持盈保泰,安穩的度過即可,不要做太大的改變或投資,以免給自己造成心理壓力,多涉獵一些各個領域的知識,有助於提昇你在事業上的競爭力,同時也可以激盪出更多的創意與靈感。

2、 多注意自己的社交能力,人際關係的活絡將決定你的事業順利與否,下半年在努力經營之下,魔羯們的事業有再創高峰更上一層樓的機會,上班族也有可能升遷或加薪。

3、 不過,在今年魔羯們在事業上是只宜守成而不宜輕舉妄動的,容易因自己的錯誤判斷而蒙受損害,就算有獲利也不宜盲目擴張,尤其避免投資不熟悉的領域,更不宜輕言換跑道。

★魔羯座 / 金錢財運:

1、 財務運勢不若去年的旺,有一些勞多獲少的現象,但可以維持穩定的收入,只要不作重大的投資,量入為出就不致有問題,在四月以及十月份的時候,要小心破財,有可能花在家中,也有可能是家人為你付出,不要跟朋友扯出財務往來就可免於糾紛。

2、 今年溝通能力佳或從事創意工作的魔羯們有比較多的賺錢機會,像是土地房屋的仲介業者,室內設計人員,廣告業者,公關人員,媒體記者之類的工作,都是比較能有高收入的。

3、 魔羯們替自己投資理財的運勢雖然算不上很好,不過替人理財,提供專業咨詢的魔羯卻有不錯的業績獎金,下半年魔羯們的財務漸入佳境,年底更有一些意外之財,若有閒錢,這時候倒是不妨投資一些高科技產業或是石化產業的股票。

★ 魔羯座 / 人際朋友:

1、 社交運強,但是會有許多無謂的應酬,必須要有所取捨,以免讓自己疲於奔命,今年生活的重點在於努力培養自身的人際魅力,以及風趣幽默的表達能力,來贏得友誼與貴助,對事業成就也有加分的效果。

2、 多關注家人的想法,對於配偶或工作夥伴的建議也輕忽不得,關懷,尊重,包容是不二法則,好伴侶會為你帶來財務的機會,因此,必須要好好經營與配偶或工作夥伴的關係,多傾聽,再整合出你們意見上的分歧點,彼此合作愉快就能互蒙其利。

3、 下半年不僅在財務運勢上得到朋友及夥伴的協助而漸入佳境,事業上也能遇到許多志同道合的朋友,今年魔羯們也會熱中於參與一些靈修活動或是加入慈善團體,會認識很多不同於以往的友人。

★魔羯座 / 學業考運:

1、 企圖心旺盛的摩羯,有可能雙管齊下的修習不同領域的專業科目,在職的摩羯也有很好的進修機會,求好心切會讓你勤於奔走搜尋資料,雖然辛苦,卻很有成就。

2、 雖然魔羯們一向都十分務實肯拼,但是今年學習星有好幾次逆行的現象,你會容易鑽牛角尖,把簡單的問題複雜化,在考試的時候想太多,反而會遭到挫折,考不出自己應達的標準。

3、 多讀好書,多接受正面的訊息,參加有益的社團活動,在受到挫折,信心低落的時候不要弄亂了自己的心智,憑著你一步一腳印的精神,相信成績仍然是十分理想的。

★ 魔羯座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 今年的外出運勢不若往年,所以要避免出遠門,平安就是福,雖然日子會過得有些單調,不過,你的社交生活還滿活絡的,今年的感情生活受到考驗,一些小挫折也使得魔羯們心生氣餒,要打起精神,給自己好臉色,有健康的心理,工作,財務都會順利。

2、 會有許多無謂的應酬,除了浪費精神時間,還要小心吃壞腸胃,同時要避免熬夜或過多的夜生活,注意肝膽以及腎功能的病變,也要注意生殖器官的疾病。

3、 只要給自己足夠的信心,保持家庭生活的和諧,健康問題都不是大礙,七月,九月,十月的健康運勢較差,不要給自己太多的壓力,利用這段時間,安排一個假期與家人共遊,連絡感情也是不錯的有益身心之舉。

★ 2005年星座運勢解析~★水瓶座

★水瓶座 / 整體運勢:

1、 瓶子們在2005年裡會不自覺的忙碌起來,為了事業、家庭、錢財而忙得不亦樂乎,在今年裡,瓶子們頗受幸運之神的眷顧,事業,財運,愛情都得意,而且,幸運的是往後持續的數年裡,你愈忙愈有收獲,樂在工作、樂在學習是你的自我期許。

2、 今年瓶子們要特別注意經營家庭關係,雖然你會對家人滿懷熱情,不過受到火星異常停留在家庭宮的影響,家人之間也特別容易發生爭執,除此之外,也要注意家庭意外,像是年幼的子女會有車驚或意外。

3、 受到長期星停留的影響,瓶子們的心態也務必調整,雖然財務,事業運勢都可望提升,但如果你的專業能力不足,也會有大起大落的現象,要注意健康,尤其要注意一些突發的疾病。

★水瓶座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 善於交際的瓶子會有很多的社交活動,能結交不少好朋友,也能享有美好的愛情生活,還沒有固定伴侶的瓶子,約三五死黨一起出國或參加一些聯誼活動,會有很浪漫的邂逅,能順利譜出戀愛的樂章喲!

2、 不僅戀愛機會多,而且都是正緣以及不錯的桃花,所遇到的對象條件也很優,瓶子們請仔細認真的挑選適合你的結婚對象,也許你還並不想受到束縛,只想談浪漫的戀情,不過愛人可是會對你緊迫盯人的。

3、 想要結婚的瓶子,在往後的兩三年內也會有不錯的機運,也容易遇見年長的對象,以及物質條件或是社會地位優於你的異性,不然就是對你事業有幫助的異性,在心理上嚮往浪漫戀情,不過,結婚對象卻有可能基於現實考量做選擇。

★ 水瓶座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 雖然瓶子們會努力想要多花一些心思在家庭事務上,不過,受到行星的影響,今年你的家庭運勢可說是多事之秋,家人之間會發生許多衝突或爭執,很多意料外的狀況都可能發生。

2、 家中有青少年子女的瓶子,要注意子女在外的人際互動,容易交友不慎而招惹是非,或是需要提防他們發生交通意外,你也可能會修繕居所,總之,家裡有待改善的地方很多,卻總是會因為一些突發事件而延誤或改變初衷。

3、 瓶子們今年的感情運勢佳,發展過程也很精采,有可能遇到你的舊情人,而你們的互動方式可能會令你的另一半十分不悅,因而情海生波,容易跟伴侶發生爭執,甚至有情變的發生,已婚的瓶子要特別注意配偶的感受,可別太濫情。

★水瓶座 / 事業工作:

1、 事業運頗佳,是個豐收之年,有專業才華以及強烈企圖心的瓶子,今年在工作上可以一遂心願,朝向理想的目標邁進,也可以擴大事業的投資,尤其是你所熟悉的領域,想轉投資或轉換跑道的瓶子也會有很多發展的機會。

2、 今年也頗適合往外地發展,有遠行或商務旅行的機會,並且能有許多意料之外的收獲,工作之中會遇到能對你有幫助的異性,甚至譜出戀曲,也會結識不少良師益友,貴人運也相當不錯。

3、 今年在工作上蓄勢待發,會有大收獲,不過在四月份之前,原則上是不宜躁進,若有重大決策,要先做好長遠的規劃,多方面徵詢專家意見再往你的目標邁進,年底時就可將事業推至頂峰。

★水瓶座 / 金錢財運:

1、 瓶子們今年的財官雙美,不僅工作運勢佳,財務的運勢更是十分良好,除了能在工作上獲得財利,瓶子們也非常適合投資股票,選擇績優股作為投資標的。尤其是科技股,航運股以及通訊股或是海外投資都能讓瓶子獲利。

2、 雖然財務運勢頗佳,但也有大起大落的狀況,因此理財上並不宜過於投機,尤其是3~5月以及7~9月之間,更是要採保守的投資策略,不過若是從事理財投顧工作的瓶子,倒是可以替客戶賺到錢,也能為自己賺取不錯的佣金。

3、 今年的瓶子很適宜外出求財,往外地發展有不錯的機遇,還能認識不少可以提供你賺錢機會的夥伴,只要善於掌握資料來源,並請教專家們的分析,以你敏銳的直覺加以判斷再出手投資,瓶子們的財運想不旺也難,值得奮力一搏!

★ 水瓶座 / 人際朋友:

1、 瓶子們喜歡結交朋友,也有不錯的社交運勢,人際運非常暢旺,不但與多年的老友互動頻繁,也能結識不少讓你視野大開心靈成長的新朋友,也會有許多志同道合的新夥伴,並且可以遇見有助你財務或工作運勢的貴人。

2、 但是在今年,社交運勢若要跟事業或錢財所造成的影響相比,顯然不那麼重要了!因此,許多無關緊要的應酬能免就免,不然你就會分身乏術,疲於奔命把自己累壞了。

3、 工作夥伴關係著你事業的推展,注意彼此間的溝通方式,要有謙遜的態度,今年事業財務都順遂的瓶子,如果能多注意自己的儀表形象,不僅更加受到朋友的重視與歡迎,也有助你結識位階更高有權勢的友人,建立友誼之餘,同時也讓你接觸許多賺錢機會。

★水瓶座 / 學業考運:

1、 今年是瓶子們在工作與學習上提昇自我,加速成長的一年,學習運勢不差,想要在考試或推甄中脫穎而出,只要勤於複習,大致上都能有不錯的表現,想深造的瓶子可以開始準備。

2、 不但學習的運勢佳,學習的慾望也強,容易心領神會,也很適合出國留學追求更高深的知識獲得更高的學位,在學習過程中還會結識很有智慧,腦筋極為聰明的異性,彼此可以互相砥礪切磋。

3、 最怕是瓶子們有好高騖遠的心,會花很多時間想要涉獵太多你並不熟悉的偏門知識,以至於原本熟悉應該可以得到高分的科目,考出來的成績反而不如預期,多學而少精,相信瓶子們能瞭解個中道理。

★水瓶座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 今年由於工作繁忙,容易給自己造成許多心理壓力,以至於精神緊張,虛火上升,也容易遭受骨刺或神經痛的苦惱,感情上的變數會造成一些情緒的困擾,必須在心理上做好自我調適。

2、 社交頻繁,要避免一些無謂的應酬或逢場作戲的危險性遊戲,造成泌尿系統的感染,免役力減弱會有很多的突發疾病,由於外出機會多,交通事故的發生機率也高,必需做好防範,避免精神不濟時自行開車。

3、 今年會有不錯的外出運以及旅遊運,可以出遠門赴異國旅遊,可以紓解一下緊張的情蓄,下半年的健康運勢較差,不妨利用時間,暫時放下工作帶著家人或者邀三五好友一起去旅遊,部份的瓶子有可能會有移民的打算,也頗利於成行。


★雙魚座 / 整體運勢:

1、 受到天王星的影響,一向優柔寡斷的雙魚座,會變得比較堅持,也會有很多自己獨特的主張,對於各種活動會積極的參與,工作態度更是認真而努力,充滿自我實踐的企圖心。

2、 靠專業能力賺錢的雙魚們,今年的財務運勢特別順利,其它的雙魚財務運勢也非常旺,更難能可貴的是,向來不看重財物,有些迷糊不知人間疾苦的魚魚,在今年可摳門得很,並且會很努力的賺錢,懂得開源節流。

3、 外出運佳,要積極投入社交活動,加強自己的溝通能力,工作上遇見的桃花多,感情運勢則好壞參半,有可能一波三折,事業愛情難以兼顧,而魚魚們經常喜歡搞神秘,情緒的起伏很大,總是讓伴侶很難捉摸。

★雙魚座 / 愛情桃花:

1、 今年魚魚們的生活重心會放在追求個人成長,而疏於去經營感情,不要以為你們心意相通就忘了他的存在,有伴侶的雙魚要多關心另一半,不然兩人就有可能漸行漸遠,如果兩人的感情深厚,今年也有可能更進一步的發展。

2、 未婚的雙魚若是想要尋求伴侶,今年會有很多的戀愛機會,心情也容易沉沁在浪漫的感覺裡,在工作的互動中,有可能遇到感情的對象,也很可能發展辦公室戀情,但要小心經營,挑一個適合你的伴侶。

3、 受到行星的影響,雙魚們會渴望不受拘束的感情,有點黏又不太黏的那種兩性關係最受雙魚們的歡迎,只是你忽冷忽熱或是有點曖昧不清的態度,也可能讓愛情遠去,部份積極工作的雙魚也許並不想認真的發展戀情,只是想享受一下浪漫的感覺而已,所以,也不見得會去努力經營愛情生活。

★雙魚座 / 家庭婚姻:

1、 已婚的雙魚,夫妻生活恬淡之中見到真情,不過有可能兩人都會忙於工作而有聚少離多的現象,但是感情還算維繫得不錯,能保持順暢的溝通,就不會發生大問題,而雙魚們也會樂於享受擁有個人私秘空間的自由。

2、 財務運勢不錯的雙魚,今年很懂得精打細算,但是,會大方的把金錢投資在孩子們的身上,也很重視家庭生活,會努力營造溫馨的居家氣氛,與家人互動頻繁,可以保持精神愉快,工作起來更是活力充沛。

3、 在下半年在感情與家庭生活就比較辛苦,最主要是雙魚們的工作機會增多,工作的責任加重,又忙又累,就算想要享受溫馨的家居生活也可能沒有機會。

★ 雙魚座 / 事業工作:

1、 去年的努力都將在今年驗收成果,當然,也會積極的想要擴充新的領域,靠專業技藝賺錢的雙魚們,在工作上能展現實力有所發揮,企圖心加上勇於自我實踐的精神,會讓雙魚們自我突破,事業有更上一層樓的機會,想要轉換職場的雙魚,在年初就會有很多的工作機會。

2、 要有所堅持就能美夢成真,會積極的推展你的工作計劃,但也會遭遇到一些波折,工作上有可能出現多頭馬車的現象,必須審慎評估,釐清事務的輕重緩急,以免勞多獲少,會有一些人不願意配合你的腳步,因此,如何凝聚共識,化阻力為助力也考驗著雙魚們的智慧與決心。

3、 勇於承擔負責,好的溝通能力會為你帶來順暢的工作運勢,今年雙魚們不但工作會有變化,也可能在年初就有昇遷或加薪的好運,而工作績效獎金或是突如其來賺外快的兼差機會也很多。

★雙魚座 / 金錢財運:

1、 財務運勢旺,會有轉投資以謀求更大利益的做法,不過對於投資標的必需做好精準的評估,不宜有過於貿進或投機的理財行為,以免做白工,弄得自己精疲力盡,勞多而獲少,就很不值的。

2、 是檢視規劃財務的好時機,大多數的雙魚,今年在理財上變得比較務實,雖然開支大,但能夠量入為出,保持良好的社交關係,會得到很多賺錢的資訊或開發出賺錢的管道,對財物的敏感度強,有不錯的直覺,跟著感覺走也能賺到錢。

3、 不僅工作上有很多賺錢的機會,偏財運也非常良好,會碰到有財力的人支持你的事業發展,也有很多突然而至的賺錢機會,當然,這跟你之前的努力經營,所建立的良好人脈是有密切的關係,而敏銳的觀察力及國際觀,也能讓你在海外投資上獲利。

★雙魚座 / 人際朋友:

1、 雙魚們在人際方面十分活絡,與朋友們的互動良好,良好的社交活動,可以祛除你內心的陰暗面,能務實的工作並積極的去開發你的財源,人脈等於錢脈,要善用你的人際魅力。

2、 不妨多留心長輩,上司,長官或是異國友人,與他們保持密切的連繫,跟著你的感覺走,你會發現你的金錢貴人在其中喔!而在公務出差的旅途中,你也會遇著有錢有社會地位的仰慕者,彼此可以建立深厚的友誼。

3、 同事或工作團隊的向心力是十分重要的,積極想要拓展事業版圖的雙魚,在推動你的工作計劃時,會隱隱的感到來自其他人的抗拒,因此,在要求別人配合時,要在意他們的感受,主動說明你的想法,並且姿態要低。

★ 雙魚座 / 學業考運:

1、 今年在選課或是求學問,可以多方面去嚐試自己原本不感興趣或是不嫻熟的科目,只要肯努力,就會有成就,由於土星的影響,雙魚們會比較紮實的下工夫去追求學問,也唯有保持務實的學習態度,才能保持理想的成績。

2、 想要追求更高階學位的雙魚們,今年努力以赴就得償心願,可以有計劃的完成學業,外出的運勢佳,也可以利用假期替自己安排遊學活動,下半年更利於成行。

3、 寒假過後,雙魚們會緊鑼密鼓的替自己安排學習課程,部份的雙魚也可能會轉系,轉學或是改變自己的學習方向,而無論做出什麼決定都要先考慮清楚,因為這時候的決定,將關係到你下半年的發展及生涯規劃。

4、 今年也會對於命理,玄學或神秘學很感興趣,也會去深入研究,還頗有心得的。

★ 雙魚座 / 健康旅遊:

1、 今年的雙魚必須保持良好的體力,才能在追求自我理想實踐時,能夠全心全力的衝刺,一般而言,在上半年的身體狀況是還不錯的,比較容易神經緊張,心血管以及消化系統會有小毛病,要注意養成良好的生活習慣。

2、 外出運頗佳,除了有很多公務出差的機會,也可以替自己安排國外旅遊,或是去鄉間尋幽訪勝,有空去練習瑜珈或是參加心靈成長的課程,對你身心健康也很有益處。

3、 社交生活頻繁,工作壓力重的雙魚要隨時記得調整情緒,釋放壓力,外出的機會多,心情又容易緊繃,要特別注意交通意外,下半年的健康情形較差,之前曾經感染的疾病可能會引起併發症,也可能有肝臟功能異常的症狀,請隨時照顧好自己的身體。